Showing Posts For Liam Solstrum.1059:

Things reacting to other Things

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liam Solstrum.1059

Liam Solstrum.1059

I think it would be a splendid idea if certain things could move reacting to other things (exp. a lionguard walks over a vast field and the grass reacts by getting pushed down for a little while). I’ve seen this before and I think it should happen more.

(edited by Liam Solstrum.1059)

BRING BACK point-click for movement [like in Guild Wars 1]...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liam Solstrum.1059

Liam Solstrum.1059

I do agree and see no reason why Areananet wouldn’t do it. But I would expect them to keep w,a,s and d and holding down the left mouse button and holding down the right mouse button controls.

Fire Underwater?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liam Solstrum.1059

Liam Solstrum.1059

Is it me or can fire happen underwater? I’ve been seeing this when I burn risen corpses.
Fire doesn’t happen underwater, unless it’s SpongeBob SquarePants. I don’t know if the Risen (or Risen in the area) have some kind of burning underwater spell or whatever.
