Showing Posts For Lightfoot.6425:

Dragonbrand / BP / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Lightfoot.6425


You know how plenty of credit cards have a little bit that says “Member since XXXX”? Maybe we need more folks to put something like that in their forum signatures next to their guild tags.

As in [GOAT] – Fighting for Borlis Pass since August 2012.

You know, just some way to recognize those players and guilds that have stuck to their server and not hopped around. And maybe encourage others to do the same.

Oak Cay, Sylvari Elementalist
Member of [GOAT] – Fighting for Borlis Pass since August 2012

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Lightfoot.6425


The most discouraging aspect of Thursday night’s play was seeing how many different guild tags were involved. Just look at those pictures above. The leaders and officers of those guilds should really consider if that is how they want to be represented, and if not, I would expect to see a lot of folks in those pictures getting kicked from guilds.

I’m a bit too cynical to think that will happen in any significant way, but until it does, it really will be hard to overgeneralize about AR’s use of exploits and hacks.

I’m a founding member of [GOAT] and consider my fellow [GOAT]s friends, but I would fully expect Plok to boot me from the guild if he saw me in a screenshot involved in an exploit or hack. And he would be right to do so.

I do wonder how the Anvil Rock guild leaders will respond.

Oak Cay, Sylvari Elementalist
Member of [GOAT] – Fighting for Borlis Pass since August 2012