Shroud Utility
- What you did: Shroud in the beta was extremely powerful. It was difficult to track and fight due to its great utility and amazing ability to escape. So when the game released their teleport was turned into a projectile, their auto was made into a slow cast blast and the life force scaling from Life Transfer was reduced. Once the community started to complain about the lack of shroud utility arena net added tainted shackles and since all shroud abilities will have a skill 5.
- What you Missed: Shroud was Way over nerfed. The removal of shade, stripping them of a solid gap closer and escape while also reducing their ability to fight large groups and reducing their scaling against those groups put shroud in a real bad spot to cause problems for years to come. The fact that Arena net didn’t let the community have a good amount of time to really play with it and get a good feel for the profession themselves lead the necromancer to being the worst profession in the game for years, with no real awareness of how bad the situation was. Tainted Shackles was a band aid on an open wound that wasn’t closing any time soon. Because of this over reaction to the beta tests the necromancer community has suffered from in game discrimination and lack of use. The Community had, unsurprisingly, Grown hostile and bitter toward the devs with their extremely conservative buffs and game warping nerfs.
So Why do I bring this all up? And the reason is in relationship to the scourge. Arena net, you making the same mistake once again with the scourge. You are listening to part of the picture without having the full context of the situation and without understanding the consequences of those actions. There are plenty in the necromancer community that absolutely despise the way Shroud has been handled and by extension wish it didn’t exist at all. Many of us would rather not deal with this mechanic because of how horribly its been handled and balanced. So Here is the last part of this List.
- What You are doing: The interesting design space that is opened up to the necromancer by removing the shroud mechanic gives the devs the freedom to create far more interesting and unique elite specializations that have a large pool of interesting functions. It’ll finally give us the support we’ve always wanted while giving necromancer player’s a way to get rid of shroud like many of us wanted.
- What you’re missing: The part of the community that despises shroud hates it because of how poorly its been handled, not because we hate the concept itself. In fact, we think the concept is quite cool, but we’ve grown bitter toward it being balanced properly. We Approach the scourge with caution because we expect that you’ll continue to be short sighted with the balance of this elite spec making its synergy with its traits poor in comparison to what the reaper and even core necromancer can do. And from what we’ve seen so far, we are absolutely justified in our skepticism. Traits being linked to Sades doesn’t transfer over 1 for 1. Dhuumfire is balanced around being an auto attack. Because of that, linking it to Summon Shade makes it far weaker than it is on Reaper. And the same is true for other 1 skills. This is also true for entering and exiting traits that require synergy with shroud to gain their most benefit. Linking something like Spiteful Spirit, a trait that is already under used extremely weak for a grandmaster becomes even worse on Scourge with a 20 second cool down desert shroud. The problems don’t end there as Death magic gets the short end of the stick except for maybe Unholy Sanctuary which would grant barrier, but beyond that 6 seconds on those traits that grant toughness or a damage boost which were underwhelming before are absolutely terrible now. Blood Magic doesn’t escape this since Life from death offers even less control over its effect than before while transfusion, which functions on a channeling skill now has nothing to channel it, which means its healing output is by far weaker than the Reaper’s, when the scourge is supposed to be more supportive.
The scourge is likely to have more problems than core necromancer and reaper combined because of its lack of shroud. Now don’t get me wrong. I love the idea of losing shroud. But without proper balance to the traits to make sure it functions as well as core and reaper the scourge will be another tick in the necromancer balance team’s mistakes that go unfixed.
I want to love this elite specialization. Its what I want from the necromancer, on paper. So I ask that you Please please please take a long hard look at the necromancer and this elite spec to make sure that it doesn’t suffer from massive anti synergy. I want this to be amazing, not a hot mess.
Sincerely, Lily
(edited by Lily.1935)