Showing Highly Rated Posts By LinseyMurdock:

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinseyMurdock


Game Designer

Ok folks, here is where we are at with this material storage side project that I originally outlined here:

1. Determine need for side project
2. Work with programming to investigate the backend and define limitations
3. Ask for suggestions from playerbase <- LAST TIME WE TALKED
4. Collate suggestions from all sources
5. Refine data to determine popularity of suggestions
6. Refine list to remove suggestions that are impossibilities for whatever reason
7. Research every suggestion to fully understand their use cases
8. Meet with experts to better understand the needs of their area of the game (WvW, Fractals, Scribes, SAB)
9. Refine data list to remove suggestions that are unfavorable for whatever reason
10. Discuss and plan alternative solutions to suggestions that are unfavorable but could be addressed in another way
11. Assign Materials to specific material storage collections
12. Experience data loss, resetting progress back to step 7, thus undoing all the hard parts I just did
13. Experience crushing demoralization and wallow in sadness for days while numerous people try to help recover work. This is why you should never save your docs locally and nowhere else.
14. Acceptance of lost data and thorough avoidance of redoing work while advancing through stages of grief
15. Put on big girl pants and redo steps 7-11
16. Document proposed changes
17. Present final list to design team for last minute objections and additions
18. Present final list to playerbase for last minute discussion and final appeals <- WE ARE HERE
19. Adjust design as needed.
20. DO THE WORK <- the easy part

“Yeah yeah yeah, lady, but WHAT’S ON THE LIST!?”

Common Crafting Materials
Milling Basins

Core Refinements (new)
Jute Patch
Wool Patch
Cotton Patch
Linen Patch
Silk Patch
Gossamer Patch
Damask Patch
Jeweled Damask Patch
Green Wood Dowel
Soft Wood Dowel
Seasoned Wood Dowel
Hard Wood Dowel
Elder Wood Dowel
Ancient Wood Dowel
Spiritwood Dowel
Bronze Plated Dowel
Iron Plated Dowel
Steel Plated Dowel
Darksteel Plated Dowel
Mithril Plated Dowel
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel
Jeweled Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel

Fine Crafting Materials
Blade Shards
Shimmering Crystals
Tenebrous Crystals

Rare Crafting Materials
Bloodstone Shard
Elonian Wine
Brick of Clay
Chak Eggs
Eldritch Scoll
Fractal Research Pages
Icy Runestone
Legendary Insights
Mystic Binding Agents
Mystic Crystals
Mystic Forge Stone
Philosopher Stones
Reclaimed Metal Plates
Unid Fossilized Insect

Ascended Materials
+1 Agony Infusion
Anthology of Heroes
Augur’s Stones
Lesser Vision Crystal
Vision Crystal
Mystic Runestone

Gemstones and Jewels
Amalgamated Gemstones
Copper Doubloon
Gold Doubloon
Platinum Doubloon
Silver Doubloon

Cooking Staples (new)
Baker’s Dry Ingredients
Baker’s Wet Ingredients
Cookie Dough
Simple Dressing
Candy Corn glaze
Cream Soup Base
Ice cream base
Poultry Stock
Meat Stock
Vegetable Stock
Staple Soup Vegetables
Tomato Sauce
Loaf of Bread
Salt and Pepper
Simple Stew Herbs
Stirfry Spice Mix
Pumpkin Pie Spice

Scribing Materials (new)
Crystalline Bottles
Lump of Glass
Linen Supply Sack
Green Wood Pulp
Soft Wood Pulp
Seasoned Wood Pulp
Hard Wood Pulp
Elder Wood Pulp
Ancient Wood Pulp
Copper Nib
Silver Nib
Gold Nib
Platinum Nib
Mithril Nib
Orichalcum Nib
Glittering Blotting Powder
Shimmering Blotting Powder
Radiant Blotting Powder
Luminous Blotting Powder
Incandescent Blotting Powder
Crystalline Blotting Powder
Coarse Paper
Rough Paper
Fine Paper
Smooth Paper
Quality Paper
Premium Paper
Extra Coarse Sandpaper
Coarse Sandpaper
Medium Sandpaper
Fine Sandpaper
Superfine Sandpaper
Ultrafine Sandpaper
Simple Scribing Kit
Basic Scribing Kit
Fine Scribing Kit
Journeyman’s Scribing Kit
Master Scribing Kit
Grandmaster Scribing Kit
Simple Finishing Kit
Basic Finishing Kit
Fine Finishing Kit
Journeyman’s Finishing Kit
Master’s Finishing Kit
Grandmaster Finishing Kit
Badges of Tribute
Coarse Book Cover
Rough Book Cover
Fine Book Cover
Smooth Book Cover
Quality Book Cover
Premium Book Cover
Wood Glue

That’s 125 items and 3 new categories (I’ll also be changing some category names and item rarities to better fit). More than I should do from a pure numbers standpoint, so if you are going to try making a case for adding anything else to this fairly exhaustive list than you should know it will be an uphill climb. I’ll hear you out, but know I will be a hard sell. If anything, I am looking for cuts to this list, not adds. We’ve spent a ton of time thinking this through. I’ll post some notes on those choices in a reply post since the forums are telling me this is too long.

I’ll personally be paying attention to discussion here and on The Inevitable Reddit Thread™ for the next week. I’ll be finalizing the list in the following week and finding the time to DO THE WORK after that. When it comes to timeline, I normally say “no promises!” but in this case, I promise that I refuse to let this go a whole year since my original post without shipping.

Lead Designer – Living World