Showing Posts For Llewn.9473:

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Llewn.9473


Hi Natureswarden,
Can you please give the name of the guild you mentioned ? Or details ? Some guild tags are really common on our servers.

Guardian of [UTP] – Arborstone

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Llewn.9473


The French are simply sore over the fact that a server has a counter to their 2v1. It’s actually pretty comical how they’re reacting.

So, let me tell you VS/Arbor, I LOVE that it’s unfair to you. Every tick of 600 points at night is another French tear I drink with a pleasure your country will never know.

Well, I was having some respect for RUIN players. Now its over.

Guardian of [UTP] – Arborstone