Showing Posts For Lobo.1423:

Suggestion: WvW Ranks, Titles, Gear, Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Lobo.1423


I totally want this!

Actually we’ve encountered the same problem in our guild.
More and more people are leaving cause there’s nothing left to do.
WvW gets boring without progression. Doing the same all over again isn’t that much of a challenge.
kitten give us ….something!

Invulnerable/stealth stomping needs to go

in WvW

Posted by: Lobo.1423


Yeah man, I am with you.

I always roll with a small group of skilled players in WvW, and we can normally take on at least twice our number. Problem is though, if that group just decides to chain revive…it is EXTREMELY difficult to kill anyone. We will burn most of our CDs killing most of the enemy, but then the survivors will just chain revive all the downed people…and we will have to wind up running.

The power of combat rez is an annoying mechanic that favors skill-less zergs over small organized elite squads.

The whole Game is about favouring “The Less-Skilled Ones”.
This is why a bigger Zerg will always beet the crap out of another smaller one.
This is also why you can’t kill a Zerg with just one group. Well, it’s the 5-Target-AE-Restrictment, but hey, who gets the advantage out of that?

They want everyone to have fun and faceroll through the game.
Even Guys in there downstate. You got owned and still have the chance to get up or have your buddy reviving you.

Sry if that sounds more like a rant, but … well, it is.

Why is AoE limited to 5 players?

in WvW

Posted by: Lobo.1423


AoE = Area Of fivE.

Next question, please.

I lol’ed.

Seriously, i guess the servers would crash without that limitation. A pitty ..

Show RvR rank when inside WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lobo.1423


Oh plz yes! We really need a WvW Ranking System (like DAoC). Where’s the longtime motivation without it? Actually it’s almost every week the same.
And the “1 Trait point per rank” System would be pretty cool. Even if it would be WvW-only, like sPvP.
Pretty plz with sugar on top..