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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loc.5280


Voicing my two cents…The change to town clothes was completely unnecessary and kittened. An absolute horrible decision. The original town clothes were already divided into separate pieces. Could be dyed and mixed-and-matched individually. All the models and coding were in place…and could have worked fine in the Wardrobe system (case in point, the Fancy Winter’s Day Hat).

It makes absolutely no sense to spend time, resources, and energy to create ENTIRELY new items (that nobody will use) to fix something that isn’t broken…

I would also add that I’m appalled with Anet’s approach to this matter…a large chunk of their player base has voiced against these changes…and Anet’s only response? “Then get a refund.” Way to shove it in our face…

This in conjunction with the complete disregard of the voiced concerns regarding the mega servers? Too much.

As a loyal player who has given Anet over 5,000 hours of my time and played nearly every single day, since the first day it was launched…I can say that I have never been more ashamed of how a game company has handled a situation of mass dissent…I have never felt more “swept under the rug” or disregarded by another game company.

Thank you, Anet, for the many hours of entertainment and game play…But, with this utter lack of regard and address on the matter that MANY have voiced dissatisfaction with…I will no longer be partaking in your product and you will not be receiving my services, until this matter is handled better and these discrepancies corrected. Once again, thank you for the past year and a half, but with this atrocious business motion, you have lost a very loyal customer here (not that you care).


Another economy issue post...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Loc.5280


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the game. Honestly, this has been the first real issue that I’ve had with it. I like that you can get XP from crafting, but compaired to the many other avenues, that in and of itself just simply isn’t worthwhile to me. You craft and item, get some XP. That’s cool. But, with that item…by the time you figure how much time/coin was invested to get it, you could use it, but it would have been more worthwhile gaining a similar item from another avenue.

Dungeon running, for example. In half the time it would take me to grind the levels, money, and mats to craft a single piece of armor, I could run dungeons. Getting gear, coin, XP, and even tokens to go towards gear of equal value that I could have crafted.

I like the system that they have in place for crafting, but I think it should be more rewarding than it currently is, to make sinking that sort of coin and time into it worthwhile. As it stands now, the other paths that you can venture down (SPvP, WvW, dungeons, DEs, etc. etc.) are FAR more beneficial have more of a turn around reward in conjunction with the time invested, well over that of crafting.

Another economy issue post...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Loc.5280


Wazabi, at this point, I wouldn’t even craft for XP. Because, I simply don’t think it’s viable. Considering that you can run an event or a dungeon and get just as much, if not more, and actually make some coin in the process. Even for XP, it’s simply not viable. Legendaries, personally…I think are a joke. The stats aren’t worth the time and coin used to get them, unless you absolutelly want the skin.

Andrew, I could see your point, but do the market prices actually fluctuate that much, to the point of putting double the price on some items (crafting vs. buying)? Admittedly, I’m not a game marketting guru, by any means. This was merely an observation that I made and the differences in price of market vs. crafting blew my mind.

Another economy issue post...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Loc.5280


Okay…I have an issue with the economy in-game. No, it’s not the sales tax. No, it’s not that I can’t make mad or any profit crafting and selling profit. My issue is this…I just reached level 400 Leatherworking, so I decided to craft some upgrades, starting with gloves…After some number crunching, I quickly found out that it would cost me MORE than DOUBLE to craft the components for my gloves…Than to just buy them out right. I can understand having measures in place, so that the system isn’t abused and I can also understand having measures in place to encourage gathering your own materials. But, when the cost to just buy the Heavy Panels and Linings for gloves is already cheaper to buy on the TP than even the MANDATORY cost to get the thread? What’s the point?

At the time of this post, it would cost just over 4 silver to get both the panel and the lining on the TP, where as the thread cost 6s 40c. Yes, I understand that only comes out to 64c per thread, but when the initial purchase is already going to cost less time and money just to get them off the TP…I see an issue there. I wasn’t trying to get any profit, I simply wanted to craft my own gear. But, the prices on the TP are so jacked up, that it’s pretty much pointless.

Further number crunching revealed that it would actually be cheaper just to buy the gloves I was going to craft out right, than to even bother with crafting them at all. Bogus.

On another note, even if I were going to craft for profit, I think that there should be SOME profit obtainable from selling crafted items on the TP, despite the posts I’ve seen that disagree, especially where high-end exotics are concerned. Why? Because I spent X amount of hours of time and X amount of gold to level my profession up enough to be able to craft said items, then took the time to gather and combine necessary components. I can understand not making an insane amount of profit per transaction, but there should be some incentive.

At the end of the day…If I can’t make a comparitive profit through crafting…and it’s cheaper to buy my gear, than to craft it myself…What is the point of even bothering with crafting?