Showing Posts For Lochlin.9752:

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lochlin.9752


Disapointed. My guildmates and I are refugees from World of Warcraft (8yrs) (via SWTOR (6 mos)) and found Guild Wars 2 to be fun, engaging, and we could do everything the big guilds could do, just took a bit more time. We are a small guild, only 13 of us, and we have done what research we could to keep up, but now we find we have been ousted from the gameplay. There is no way in a reasonable amount of time we will be able to participate in all the fun new stuff we were so looking forward to. We were excited because your official announcement made it sound like small guilds would be able to do these as well. I mean come on, bounty hunting!!! Awesome! Oh wait no… Guild Trekking!! Woot! Woot! Wait… no. It is really okay because we are used to this, every mmo we have played in the past has catered to the grossly huge guilds with players who play nonstop, who worry about getting everything first. We are used to this and should have seen it coming. I mean it is called GUILD Wars after all, but we had our hopes that somehow the update would include the small potatos as well. /heavy sigh.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lochlin.9752


All I can say is that after 8 years of playing warcraft I hope this game does not become too easy. It used to require thought to run dungeons in warcraft (shush I hear you all screaming ‘this aint warcraft’), and it was challenging, difficult, required people to behave and work together, that all changed over the years and the players became whiney and complained that the dungeon was taking too long, it was too hard, why is my loot always crap…. whine whine whine. OMG. Dungeons became a pain because people would leave halfway thru, they expected a 10-15 min run and loot at the end-“Next!”
When I came to Guild Wars I found once again the level of difficulty and the strategy required to complete the dungeons had returned to my gaming world. In my humble opinion I don’t think the dungeon mechanics are hard enough, but then I used to spend way too many nights in 40 man raids spending hours upon hours just to GET to a boss. I think Guild Wars has captured the difficulty without loosing the fun. I am a little disappointed to see all the damage reductions, however not being able to res-rush will maybe teach people how to play their toons and adjust their armor and traits and such so they don’t die so easily. I am probably alone in this thought, but I know my fellow vanilla warcrafters, many of whom now play GW2, would agree that Warcraft, (an epic game in its time), became too stupid and thus not challenging enough to keep interest, which is why so many of us have hung up our epic gear to play Guild Wars. Please don’t dumb down this game too much.

Thanks, Dona H.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lochlin.9752


Correction, it is now happening on all three dragon fights-Tequatl, Shatterer, and Jormag. Nowhere else, for me that is. I wonder if it is something with the screams the dragons make-they are so awesome, but maybe its too much? Leaving the area does not reset it, messing with the sound settings doesn’t fix it either. Exiting does. Ah well, got 2 yellows off Teq… made up for Jormag

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lochlin.9752


I can reproduce the tone sound error that causes my game to crash. All I have to do is participate in the Claw of Jormag fight. A few mins into the fight the tone starts, I shut my speakers off and continue fighting. About 2 mins later I crash out. Today I got no loot from the fight (no big deal… kinda like missing Christmas) because I crashed out twice, I’m guessing-no chest, others got stuff. When I exit to desktop and return the sound is fine. I only experienced it one other place and it was only once during the Tequatl fight. Jormag is everytime. I hear the alien ships landing too, but frankly I thought it was part of the game-came here from Star Wars, so yeah. Besides that isn’t affecting game play, for me anyway. I have a high end computer and no sound issues anywhere else-warcraft and star wars both play fine on it, as well as skyrim. This is the only game having issues and I will just not do the jormag fight until your gurus can figure it out… Im only lvl 62 anyway.