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Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


It is no secret that anet is struggling with light armor. I recently got my char warrior to 80 and MAN could I kit out his look! But my main? My original Male Human Ele? Forget about it.

What look am I looking for? It’s up to Anet to figure that part out, just like they did with heavy (that has so much variety and awesomeness) and medium to an extent.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Loony.3865


Your vision of a game where players can play however they like and do not take part in the loot grind is admirable but unfortunately I think your largest problems (besides male light armor and mixed signals (ascended armor)) is the fact that you did not replace the gear grind with something else.

There is no alternative to the loot grind currently waiting at the end of GW2. There is a loot grind but it is extremely short and honestly if it weren’t timegated it would have been over a lot sooner. I genuinely believe that you need to find an equally powerful replacement for the gear grind and I believe you all have the idea of “Character Progression” which I feel you can all bank on.

Horizontal Progression should be your primary focus (Horizontal progression is not skin customization or visuals… that is Visual Progression, which is great and all… but not what we are looking for). Horizontal Progression is all about introducing different choices to players, where players can vary up their playstyle while still remaining within the same strength. What can this translate to? Well here are some Blue Sky Ideas I’ve just come up with:

1. Skills: Why don’t you introduce new skills to each profession (more than 1)? Why don’t you include a suite of skills themed around some new and exciting method of play, or alternatively that strengthen a class’s current mode of play? For example, elementalists can conjure a few weapons… Why don’t you introduce some new conjure weapon skills, some rifles maybe? Daggers? What about introducing conjured kits, or weapons that aren’t exactly in the game right now? While playing with my friend (who dunked over 4000 hours into GW2 so far which funny enough I introduced to the game… you’re welcome btw :P) Worried about PvP? It is high time you segregate between PvE and PvP and stop worrying about that – segregation will allow you to make BOTH sides more fun.

2. New Weapons: this is kinda like the new skills idea except you use weapons a lot more. You could introduce new weapons to the game primarily in two ways:
2.1 allow classes to use new weapons they couldn’t use before – examples: Elementalists start using axes in cool ways
2.2 Introduce completely new weapons to the game and give some of them to classes (Javelins, whips, crossbows, polearms…etc)

3. Playstyle variation: you broke the conventional MMO trinity by introducing a trinity of your own – well what about releasing some content (new stat combos, skills, weapons…etc) that makes a class viable in a specific role that currently is not so strong… Why not make ALL classes viable in ALL roles and leave it to the players to do cool things with that?

4. What about the traits? Why don’t you add skill progression to the game rather than just traits? Why don’t you allow players to augment certain skills they already have? For example: what if burning speed instead of moving the ele forward shot a fire hound that traveled forward a longer duration and upon activating the ability again explodes?

There are loads of ideas out there and im sure some of my ideas were repeated if not all but if there is 1 thing I’d like to make sure is taken away from this post is the following 2 things:
1. Progression is about moving forward constantly becoming better and better, literally looking back on your previous self and thinking “yup… I’ve grown”
2. There are thousands of good horizontal ideas out there (NOT SKINS) but it also all comes down to HOW players will earn them…. What is that Gear Grind replacement in the game? What is Guild Wars 2’s POWERFUL force that keeps players coming back and playing more and more and more… You need to answer this question and figure out an interesting delivery method before attempting anything, at least that is what I think.

If you introduce 50 new skills per class… Except you don’t unlock them in the same way, what if you introduce 5 new dungeons that have N new bosses… and once defeated the boss has a chance to drop one of those skills? What if that boss drops a component that you use in a semi epic quest to unlock a new skill? That is a silly example of adapting the Loot Grind into a delivery method for Horizontal Progression.

Good luck figuring this stuff out! It’s no easy feat and will mean the difference between GW2 being a good game for a while more and a Fantastic Game till the end of time.

Light Armor Again... Yup

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Okay Arenanet,

Simple question, what is the problem with Male Light Armor? I am genuinely curious. I’ve been playing since the Beta, at launch I did an Ele male (human) and I cannot customize his look. In a game where you emphasis the pursuit of visuals why, why on earth is this proving so difficult for your team? Is it artists? I know some concept artists that can help. I would genuinely like to know why male Light Armor is such a problem…

This issue was exacerbated recently by Ascended Armor.

Also I’ll put this clearly, I will pay money for a good armor skin. You are missing out on a monetization avenue…

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Bring Back Cantha!!!!

Or at the very least do not discard it! If you have something better planned we are all for it.

Dynamic Content Leveling - What do you think?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Progression moving forward, moving up, getting better, elevating standards.
Sounds terrible right!

So you miss that in MMOs? How you progress and leave behind or demolish earlier content? You feel that your character ie your loot progression is diminished in Guild Wars 2 because of this system?

Dynamic Content Leveling - What do you think?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Hello Community!

I hope you are all having a fine day, with Guild Wars 2 close to a year old now I was looking back at the game and comparing it to several other games out there and something that made me wonder was Dynamic Leveling…

You know what I am talking about, being a level 80 and going back to a lower level zone and being down leveled… I was wondering what everyone out there thinks of this now that we all had about a year’s worth of play with the system.

Do you think this system is better than previous models? The benefits of this system are somewhat obvious but my primary concern is this, does the fact that you are down-leveled diminish how we feel about our hero’s progression? Do we feel less AWESOME now with end game loot than we would have in other games? Does loot no longer play as big a role? And most important of all, how does that make you feel… how do you feel about your hero’s progression?

I’d love to hear as much input on this as is possible so feel free to post whatever you think/felt/feel while playing this fantastic game.


Light Armor Woes - Tighty-Whiteys!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Now hold your horses there ladies and gentle lads. I am not too savvy with forum posts and etiquette (if you saw my previous reply to an age old post forgive me, and if you saw my EARLIER post that utilized a more common word for “gluteus maximus” forgive me as well (I still think that mod removal was a bit overzealous…)) So! Please keep that in mind as I type.

I play this game a lot, unfortunately not as much as I would like to (Pesky real life!), I played GW1 from the early days and rolled an Ele, so, naturally, when GW2 came out I rolled an Ele, male (Human), and… I must say… I find the Armor to be quite lacking :


ISSUE ONE: Tighty Whiteys

I’m not saying it is ugly… just… lacking… particularly light armor… (some heavy stuff looks mad!) In my opinion, CoF armor looks amazing, I’m currently farming my way towards it with full AC gear… I have AC gear and I dye part of it white and such… and I play with my buddeh (engineer) and EVERY TIME he sees my character… he snarks inappropriate remarks about my characters… rear end… (changed dye. still too sassy)

I mean, really… Tighty-whiteys? I love the set’s stats and I love what it allows me to do but I mean… My exotic MF gear that I crafted looks better, and when I bought the set I was seriously considering transmuting the GW1 reward armor to it… It should be epic…

And here’s the best bit! Then when I found out the legendary staff leaves a rainbow effect behind my character… I pictured myself… in tighty whiteys… charging into battle… with a rainbow stream behind me… I mean… COME ON >.<!


From level 1 to level 80 I have not seen a descent head piece for an Elementalist… (CoF not included). I AM NOT A MESMER >.<! I shouldn’t need to wear those masks, and don’t get me started on the way the rest of the options look, like a very lazy shark is eating your head or something… I mean… We’re elementalists! We should have elemental related armor pieces, especially for the head, crowns of fire, frost… etc (insert rubbish suggestions here) and this finally brings us to issue 3.

ISSUE THREE: No Profession Specific Armor

I only realized this quite recently (largely due to me constantly screaming “I’M NOT A MESMER” every time I see an armor set with a mask – and if you are wondering what I am talking about I guess you had to play GW1 – masks were specific to Mesmers, it was their thing, illusions and such…)

Where is the profession specific armor? I think that’s something we can all agree is missing here? Elementalist armorsets, especially those that are exotic from dungeons and such should have elemental themes to them (PLEASE NOTE: I am talking scarcity here… as in for every possible ONE set (CoF being all fiery) there be a MILLION whitey-tighties!

I believe this is something that might affect other classes too and some sexes more than others (Female ele gear is not as bad as male tightywhiteyness? I hear chars look ridiculous in light armor…)

Well in any case, this old badger has said his piece… I quite enjoy this game but I really hope Arenanet does something about all this.


(edited by Loony.3865)

In my opinion, the armor is ugly in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loony.3865


Now hold your horses there ladies and gentle lads. I am not too savvy with forum posts and writings so please keep that in mind as I type. I play this game a lot, unfortunately not as much as I would like to (Pesky real life!), I played GW1 from the early days and rolled an Ele, when GW2 came out i rolled an ele, male, and… I must say… the Armor is quite lacking :<


ISSUE ONE: Tighty Whiteys

I’m not saying it is ugly… just… lacking… particularly to light armor… (some heavy stuff looks mad! In my opinion, CoF armor looks amazing, I’m currently farming my way towards it with full AC gear… I have AC gear and I dye part of it white and such… and I play with my buddeh (engineer) and EVERY TIME he sees my character… he goes “DAT AS#”

I mean, really… Tighty-whiteys :<? I love the set’s stats and I love what it allows me to do but I mean… My exotic MF gear that I crafted looks better, and when I bought the set I was seriously considering transmuting the GW1 reward armor to it :<

Then when I found out the legendary staff leaves a rainbow effect behind me… I pictured myself… in tighty whiteys… charging into battle… with a rainbow stream behind me… I mean… COME ON >.<!


From level 1 to level 80 I have not seen a descent head piece for an Elementalist… (CoF not included). I AM NOT A MESMER >.<! I shouldn’t need to wear those masks, and don’t get me started on the way the rest of it looks, like a very lazy shark is eating your head or something… I mean… We’re elementalists! We should have elemental related armor pieces, especially for the head, crowns of fire, frost… etc (insert half kitten suggestions here) and this finally brings us to problem 3

PROBLEM 3! No Profession Specific Armor:

I only realized this quite recently (largely due to me constantly screaming “I’M NOT A MESMER” every time I see an armor set with a mask – and if you are wondering what I am talking about I guess you had to play GW1 – masks were specific to Mesmers, it was their thing, illusions and such…)

Where is the profession specific armor? I think that’s something we can all agree is missing here? Elementalist armorsets, especially those that are exotic from dungeons and such should have elemental themes to them (PLEASE NOTE: I am talking scarcity here… as in for every possible ONE set (CoF being all fiery) there be a MILLION whitey-tighties.

I believe this is something that might affect other classes too…

Well in any case, this old badger has said his piece… I quite enjoy this game but I really hope Arenanet does something about all this.


(edited by Loony.3865)