Showing Posts For Lordelel.7105:

Gathering Fellow Countrymen!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


Are you a Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese, Hong Konger, Australian or New Zealander? Do you enjoy WvW but wish you have more friends from your country to play with? Do you like to fight rather than pvdoor? If your answer is Yes to the above, we want you!

Tarnished Coast have guilds representing Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand. We are looking to create a strong community to play with and against the stacked OCX and SEA of our rivals.

We offer Mandarin and Cantonese channels with Commanders leading in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Please contact Lordelel.7105 if you have any questions and times to enter TC.

See you soon!

(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


I think TC’s reputation as recruiting to push into T1 is totally uncalled for. TC’s recruiting push to me was more about never losing. Yes, those type of people/guilds transfered to TC. People that want to win but rarely have to matchup with somebody higher ranked with themselves. Those looking for an easier wvw experience.

The tears coming from this type of post used to be delicious awhile ago – now they are just stale…

If I wanted to bite, I would say that whatever server your kind self is from is certainly giving us an “easier” wvw experience… but that would be too easy, eh.

It is a poorly defined term. I think you constituted its definition here though.

Definitely the same old same old, though. People from wvw guilds calling out pvx guilds and “winning” server showing little class in game and in forum.

I’ll bite. It’s just one guild being called out by the way, not “guilds”. Let’s look at this objectively. Ask yourself a few questions from a neutral point of view.

Why would SEA guilds transfer from a server (CD), pvdooring most of the time in SEA prime during their match-ups and winning those match-ups consistently to another server (TC) that was in match-ups against two servers, (DB) & (Warmachine-KN), which was well-known for their SEA coverage and strength? Certainly not for “easier fights or easier wins”.

Why amongst so many guilds, is only one guild from one server in particular being called out by so many in the forums? If just one or two individuals then ok, maybe just trolls but so many people and guilds calling them out? Why the dislike for said guild? Why is nothing mentioned about other guilds from that server in the forum? What exactly did they do to warrant such dislike? Have you read what that guild has said to others, has been saying about others, has been saying about themselves and their posting in forums? Do you know what other guilds’ and individuals’ experiences are with that guild? Why are so many people leaving that guild? What made them leave? Guilds will always have people joining and leaving but why did so many people leave that guild?

I’ll sign off with this quote and hopefully we’ll never meet each other in a match-up again.

“You can’t see yourself. You know what you look like because of mirrors and photographs, but out there in the world, as you move among your fellow human beings, whether strangers or friends or the most intimate beloveds, your own face is invisible to you. You can see other parts of yourself, arms and legs, hands and feet, shoulders and torso, but only from the front, nothing of the back except the backs of your legs if you twist them into the right position, but not your face, never your face, and in the end – at least as far as others are concerned – your face is who you are, the essential fact of your identity. Passports do not contain pictures of hands and feet. Even you, who have lived inside your body for sixty-four years now, would probably be unable to recognize your foot in an isolated photograph of that foot, not to speak of your ear, or your elbow, or one of your eyes in close-up. All so familiar to you in the context of the whole, but utterly anonymous when taken piece by piece. We are all aliens to ourselves, and if we have any sense of who we are, it is only because we live inside the eyes of others.”

- Paul Auster, Winter Journal


(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


A general video for those who can’t participate during SEA prime. For everyone’s sake, it’s best we don’t matchup against CD anymore because of the difference in coverage. Your SEA prime still have some pretty decent numbers though. Similar to ours, maybe slightly more than or less than ours. Makes for some fun fights. You probably have the most coverage during sea prime after BG, JQ, DB, SOR. Similar to TC And more than FA and the other servers. Good luck in the next reset.

P.S By the way the video doesn’t belong to me. Credit goes to Ace.


(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


I hope you realise everyone can see what you actually titled those pictures. If the game and the people in it are making you so aggravated that you feel the need to title a picture “TC_c**thead” then perhaps it’s time you found a new game.

Assuming you play regularly, this kind of emotion in large quantities cannot be healthy and I am worried for you.

I’m very saddened at the fact you find this match-up boring, perhaps go outside and clear your troubled thoughts for the rest of the week?

You must have problem reading properly, perhaps because of your hatred that you were kicked from Kome for harrasing members?

All I said to you was to dismiss your claims that we hide in Towers, which you selfpawned by saying we went on the offensive. So you try to put yourself in a position of a win/win? That if we don’t attack we are just hiding in Towers? And if we do, we caused CD to lose stuff because we don’t defend? Sorry but its not gonna work. Try your smart ideas somewhere else, because its not very smart.

How someone named his files is his problem, and you are making a fuss out of that? I am sure nobody even saw that, shows how much hate you have getting kicked, that you want to find every single speck of bone to chew on. You need a hug

Sure. Nobody saw it except me and I was the first to see it. Please see page 2. As i said, logic doesn’t work. How somebody names his files is his problem, posting said file on the internet makes him either dumb or he wants everyone to see. Pick your choice. Hate? No. Relieved, happy with a tinge of sadness mainly because I left some wonderful friends behind. As for the being kicked part. Please see attached. Enough said. Let’s just leave it at here. I’m done with PvF. See you in WvW.



(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


We rushed out plenty of times during that hills defence in CDBL if we are talking about the same incident. No gates was scratched and we still had it T3 and WPed. As for being wiped by a 70 group TC then wiping a smaller group on the bridge. Erm…. It was the same smaller group. We had around 20-30. No idea where the figure 70 came from. Kudos for taking hills in TCBL by map hopping to avoid us. Need I remind you that in your taking of a wooden hills from TCBL which we flipped back in less than 10 minutes, you lost your whole map in CDBL and a T3 WPed keep in EB? Grats on superb tactical moves. Hopefully we are talking about the same incident.

It was earlier when we were by the side wall of Hills, when a big group jumped on us and another big group came from the sides.

And you want to talk about tactics in a game that numbers only matter? We have a group of 30 which is barely enough to cover a map, and and its our fault that we lost other stuff? It was going to be flipped anyway, so instead of hiding in Towers like you claim we do, we went out to attack stuff. Again everything you mentioned dismisses your wild claim that we hide in Towers. Thanks for helping us clear the picture that we always go on the offensive. Your help in dismissing your own claim is much appreciated =)

I’ve given up on using logic. Read the thread and see who QQed about hiding in towers first while constantly sniping at us in his post history. Clue : Guild Leader of self-titled “best and biggest” WvW guild in CD. Numbers matter so explain how you didn’t even take Briar while outnumbering us. Oh right you were not there. Can I assume if you were there your superior numbers will be victorious? Tactics don’t matter so please tell CD that you are not going to defend anything that they spend time and gold to upgrade because “it’s going to flip anyway” because your 30/40/50/60/70 whatever numbers zerg can’t be bothered to even try. You have the numbers and now that you can’t use that as an excuse you try to spin it to make it seem like we QQ about hiding in towers and running first? As i made it explicitly clear, everyone does everything including turtling, running, sieging etc at some point. Stop trying to act victimized when as you said numbers matter and you have, if not superior, at least same numbers as us during SEA prime.

Actually scratch all that. Logic doesn’t work for you so let’s just make it simple. Since you asked for respect, as has been asked multiple times, any respond to the title of the SS posted by your guild leader with the title “TC_C**thead” or do you need more than 2 days to think of how to spin it again? Let me save you the trouble. “It was meant for his personal view and he didn’t mean to show it in public for everyone to see?” Works for you?

Congratulations on your 1 year in CD. Please enjoy it with most of your members who are new. Hope to see you still on CD next year.

I should have known better than to try and use facts in the forums. Forgot who I was up against. Please carry on QQing about TC blobbing, TC hiding in towers, TC open field siege or whatever you fancy. Poor outnumbered blob from [KoME]. I’m going back and learn how to count instead of posting on the forums. Enjoy playing the victim being bullied by lesser or similar numbers and calling it being outnumbered. Posting SS again to help me count better. 1 green dot in minimap, 2 green dot in minimap……. Ahhhhh huge sea of red!!!!!!!!

To the rest of CD, please be aware that it’s just one tiny section of CD that everyone has a problem with. No disrespect intended for CD at all.



(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


We rushed out plenty of times during that hills defence in CDBL if we are talking about the same incident. No gates was scratched and we still had it T3 and WPed. As for being wiped by a 70 group TC then wiping a smaller group on the bridge. Erm…. It was the same smaller group. We had around 20-30. No idea where the figure 70 came from. Kudos for taking hills in TCBL by map hopping to avoid us. Need I remind you that in your taking of a wooden hills from TCBL which we flipped back in less than 10 minutes, you lost your whole map in CDBL and a T3 WPed keep in EB? Grats on superb tactical moves. Hopefully we are talking about the same incident.

As for the picture, any response to the title of it and the “respect” you want?

We have plenty of respect for many on CD. We chat, we wave, we salute, we bow, we do silly things like tonic and run around together. Have you ever wondered why it’s just one particular group that everyone has a problem with?


(edited by Lordelel.7105)

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


Hello CD, you’ll be getting approximately 10 new transfers sometime tonight

“Welcome to Crystal Desert
Population: untold millions”

We’ve spoken during mid fights…glad you guys decide to join the resistance, best fighter always a volunteer:)

@TC one of the most boring server to matchup in GW2 I’ll rather its DB/FA, outnumbered us still refuse to fight had to squirrel under superior acs and wait for 100men whist everyone else swap flies away. Guess its a good week to start visiting the Queen.

Not mad at all. We’ve fought along side each other many times, especially during the dark days of the exodus to Kaineng. Was just expecting a little respect for our futile efforts at pushing TC, you guys know how it feels first hand, but clearly HAN.9027 deems our efforts funny

Respect? Look at the title of the pictures posted by your guild leader (first 2 pictures below). “TC_c**thead”? Stop using coverage as an excuse. You might not have numbers 24/7 but at that particular moment called SEA Prime, you have huge numbers. The video posted by Sov show TC with an outnumbered buff. The next fight in TCBL Briar tower, you brought a huge zerg. The only ACs and Ballistas being fired was towards us.

Last picture is the numbers you brought out in TCBL Briar along with Siegerazer 3-4 times and open field ACs and Ballisitas and yet Briar was never taken. Notice on the minimap that nobody was hiding in the tower and we were all waiting to engage you. It also shows the numbers TC had based on the green dots and any reasonable person who can count will know we were slightly outnumbered.

Please stop saying you are outnumbered because you have numbers during SEA prime. What you lack is coverage. All servers lack coverage except T1. Do not mix coverage and numbers during your prime time up. Get off your high horse on the topics of hiding in towers, running, open field siege etc. Everybody does it at some point and you have done it way more than us during our engagements with a [KoME] led zerg.

I personally still have respect for CD and still have friends on it. This post is by no means a slight on CD as a server. It’s not meant to be a personal attack on anyone. Just a reality check for a certain section of CD under one guild tag.



6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


Screw it I’ll just write one.


TC is going to win because of coverage yeah. Should they be pounding us this badly no.

Except for rare occasions 40 of us are consistently melting under their organized 20. You know why TC is destroying us when we meet them on the field?

Because they care about what armor and runes they are wearing. We do not. Why is berserker gear in WvW the norm? When did this become a good idea. Especially given how easy it is to pick up a second set now with the WvW exotic armor vendor. Your CoF grinding gear and trait build makes you a free rally.

Because they care about what professions they bring and we do not. We have almost no necromancers and the ones we do have for some reason are running minions. Almost all of our eles are d/d. We have maybe 2 mesmers at any time and they don’t veil nor are they ever asked to. Why are they running moas as their elites? I cant tell you.

(That TC group that destroyed us in TC BL Hills on reset was like 10 guys. We were in the most easily defensible room in the map, they were outside, the Lord was down. We outnumbered them. I am not going to sit here and pretend like they are not built better than we are. We too could do that with 10 guys if we cared to build it.)

Because if you watch the way TC moves on a commander, it is obvious that they are on TS. Outside of organized planned pushes, it is hard to get CD into it. And then the separate guilds don’t want to get in the same channel. Do you know how difficult it is for the commander to write everything out in /t? Especially in the middle of a fight?

Because we’re useless without a commander. People log into a WvW map and if there is no commander, leave without bothering to ask on /m if something is going on.

Because for some reason we don’t include food in our build. I don’t know how many friendlies I see never using it. I go from target to target on an organized TC group and most had some consumable boons.

We make emo decisions. Sat morning you all abandoned EBG to come throw bodies at TC in CD BL bay. SoS took all of our stuff in EBG and TC methodically took all of our holdings in CD BL. Because of the coverage disparity EBG is the only map where we can hold our own. When we took our third of EBG back it was all freakin paper again.

We do not push, we only react and usually poorly. We run. When we run, they destroy us because we’re stringed out. Collect, turn around and fight guys. When we push as a group, we are stronger than when we spread out and let them focus us down.

We are easily broken. Our “big rallied push” to take back our garry on Saturday was not 50 but more like 60 of us. That humiliating wipe cleared us in seconds. Did we re-rally? No. That 20 RE or whatever group hit us like a freight train and destroyed us – get over it. Try again or elsewhere. Everyone fell apart after that.

And to answer the question I keep hearing in /m as to how TC seems to know where we are all the time on our BL, open up your map. Draw a large circle around Citadel. Then mark it with “<—— CD is here.”

It is not like I am giving away big secrets here. I am sure they can tell and that is why they are now throwing uplevels at us. 25 of us just got smashed by a naked roaming party of like 15.

We have server training and nobody shows up. If at this point you do not think we need it then maybe its that ego that is to blame as much as Anet’s screwy system.

We should be losing yeah but not this terribly.

I keep hearing from CDers that we have no interest in getting better. That would have flown before though that attitude lost us a lot of our best but going forward these matchups are going to happen. Unless Anet fixes this, this is what WvW we are going to see. If you want to continue to pretend that WvW is sPvP, you’ll need to transfer down a few notches. Are these mismatches ANet’s fault? Yeah. So get mad at them if you want to.

But we can either adapt, make the best of a bad situation, or we can sit here and pretend we are salvaging our pride by trolling the forums or whatever it is you guys think you are doing. When did we turn into Maguuma? For the small amount of WvWing you are doing you guys certainly are all over this thread.

Anyways I hope our conduct straightens up next time we are up against a real challenge after everyone is all rested up. We worked hard these two past weeks everyone, but we could also work smarter and the way that CD is representing itself on this forum is a joke. I’m definitely not coming back to these forums its painful to see what we’re painting ourselves as. SoS, cheers mates. You guys are putting on a much better show than we are. TC, I know we’re boring you to tears but it is at least a WvW break for you.

Going to quote this for more awareness. Excellent summary. The best thing I’ve read on the forums so far.


2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


Almost 2 weeks of civility and respect gone because a minority decide to come to the forum and whine about “night” capping. It’s an international game and the world does not revolve around anyone. And i will remind anyone that wants to whine about different prime time, please look up on servers like SoS, BG, SoR, JQ and Kaineng. No such thing as prime time. It’s always prime time over there. Night capping will be the least of your worries. If you have decided to stay in your server and fight, then you fully appreciate the strength and weakness of your server. Making sarcastic remarks about “night” capping just make you sound bitter. You whine when you get steamrolled yet when you can’t steamroll another server, you whine too. If any server deserves to whine, it’s IoJ and SBI who has been hit the hardest by the end of free transfers. CD was hit pretty hard too but not to the extent of those two servers.

Funny thought just came to mind. If CD wasn’t hit by so many transfer away from us and we were facing YB. Instead of whining about night capping, pretty sure they will be whining about how we “zerg” everyone to death.

I sincerely hope you guys are the small minority and does not represent the thoughts of the majority on your server. As for my personal opinion of CD. I think as a whole, we are not strong in WvW at all. If we were fighting with equal numbers, SBI would probably steamroll both YB and CD.


CD was a huge “Zerg” server, we fought you guys as you went up the tiers, unless you transferred when they were already in tier 3… YB loses matches due to no oceanic presence. the argument that “this Is an international game!” Is silly cause were playing on North American servers, for North Americans. Best match weve had is old maguuma, EB and us becuse GASP we were all majority NA players on our NA server. Very close fight all the way through the week.

it’s technically arena nets fault for not having oceanic servers, but if you can’t comprehend why people get mad at “night capping” then you’re delusional and obviously on a server with alot more people on while others sleep.

And no, majority of us don’t care, but to watch people act like we’re just whining fail to see both sides of the situation.

So silly of Anet for marketing the game to us “Non-Americans”. Maybe they should consider refunding our money and time and banning all “Non-American” IP addresses then. Technically, you are also “night capping” us when YB has alot more people on while we sleep. Your point works both ways. The fact that you keep harping on the difference between “day” and “night” simply doesn’t make any sense seeing that WvW is MEANT to be 24/7. We are both in T4 having this argument because we both lack coverage at some point of the 24/7. As i mentioned previously, there are a few servers with 24/7 coverage. If you really feel so strongly about this matter, please consider them. Please show us the civility and respect you have demonstrated at the beginning of this match up or it’ll become nothing more than hypocrisy.


(edited by Lordelel.7105)

2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


Almost 2 weeks of civility and respect gone because a minority decide to come to the forum and whine about “night” capping. It’s an international game and the world does not revolve around anyone. And i will remind anyone that wants to whine about different prime time, please look up on servers like SoS, BG, SoR, JQ and Kaineng. No such thing as prime time. It’s always prime time over there. Night capping will be the least of your worries. If you have decided to stay in your server and fight, then you fully appreciate the strength and weakness of your server. Making sarcastic remarks about “night” capping just make you sound bitter. You whine when you get steamrolled yet when you can’t steamroll another server, you whine too. If any server deserves to whine, it’s IoJ and SBI who has been hit the hardest by the end of free transfers. CD was hit pretty hard too but not to the extent of those two servers.

Funny thought just came to mind. If CD wasn’t hit by so many transfer away from us and we were facing YB. Instead of whining about night capping, pretty sure they will be whining about how we “zerg” everyone to death.

I sincerely hope you guys are the small minority and does not represent the thoughts of the majority on your server. As for my personal opinion of CD. I think as a whole, we are not strong in WvW at all. If we were fighting with equal numbers, SBI would probably steamroll both YB and CD.


2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


In response to a small group complaining about “night” capping, I would like to remind them of some facts.

Fact number 1. The world does not revolve around you nor your country nor your time zone. What is “night” to you might be “day” to others.

Fact number 2, yaks bend did extremely well to build up a massive points lead over the weekend. You don’t hear us complaining about having outmanned buff constantly because a majority of us was celebrating a festival? Our na crew is constantly outnumbered but do you hear them complaining? Stop acting like you have absolutely no one in wvw during “night” time. Fewer numbers yes but definitely not 0.

Fact 3, the thief that constantly glitches to our spawn point is not “doing no harm”. He may not be able to do anything now but imagine him getting his hands on another glitch. A cheat is a cheat whether its impact is big or small. What if he was attempting to find a way to another exploit and by leaving him alone he somehow finds it? What was harmless has just became game-breaking all because of the initial lackadaisical attitude.

This matchup has by far been enjoyable, fun and civilized. Lets keep it that way and not let it be ruined by a small minority.

P.S. if you really feel so strongly against “night” capping, I would like to recommend servers like JQ, SOS, SOR, BG, Kaineng to you. I hear that they have 24 hours zergs. Might suit you.


1/4/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Lordelel.7105


/salute the CD d/d ele who had a commander tag. You are the first elementalist who has beaten me in one on one fight. I tried to challenge you again after changing my utility skills but wasn’t able to find a right moment again. Maybe next time…?

I am the mesmer with scepter-pistol/staff confusion-shatter build you fought at south side of RQ.

Female or male d/d ele?

(edited by Lordelel.7105)