Agree this is an excellent post in general, people are talking about things they would change and the best way forward rather than the usual ‘xyz class has been nerfed/is overpowered/I’m leaving coz I can’t be bothered learning how to play my favourite class/counter xyz class’ etc!
For me, duelling is just a pain in most mmo’s. Especially the brain-dead idiots who continually duel in crafting areas, around busy vendors, in story entry areas etc. Make a separate ‘duelling arena’ though and I won’t complain! Don’t forget that to a lot of players, PvP is just an occasional fun excursion, not the be all and end all of the game. Many of us are here for the story, the exploration and the sheer beauty of the Guildwars world. Several mmo’s I won’t mention have been ruined by an overemphasis on the needs of PvP due to that particular group shouting the loudest at dev’s!!
What do people think about the gw1 system of separating PvP skills from PvE skills? Does it overcomplicate the game or does it allow better balancing? Changing skills to suit player balance can often make our PvE lives much more difficult (I could mention a few balance changes in the early days of gw1 )