Showing Posts For LovenRage.8592:

8/16: SoS/YB/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


To the big group of SoS players that killed me and then spammed /laugh over and over, I present to you my middle finger. I am the black warrior with the big kitten greatsword with [Zone] tag. I was by myself running from about 15 or so of you guys, then when finally died you all proceeded to /laugh. Well considering that I lasted a good 2 or so minutes taking in a major beating and not fighting back at all I’m beginning to wonder what the hell? I mean being seriously out numbered 1:~15 I should have melted. I wish I took a Screenshot now that I think about it, but oh well, expect anyone with a [Zone] tag to laugh over dead bodies for the rest of the matchup.

80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


Welp I won’t be participating in this weeks matchup. It’s PvE week for me and I do have this whole week off, but I’ll be spending 90% of that time being a daddy and a loving husband. It’s rare for me to get this amount off time on since I am active duty overseas so I will be taking advantage of it and have some good olĂ© fashioned family time good luck to all!

80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


First off.. is it possible to post two characters? I have a warrior and a necro.. Anyways,

I like the look. It’s not overdone, it simple, yet unique… but i don’t like the black and white colours… Feels so mainstream


I will post both mine, rate both or which one you like best

Warrior first then necro second

What gear/dye are you using for your warrior? Im in love with the combination

The dyes are just black and white (no, not abyss and celestial, just normal Black and White dye). Very boring and mainstream, but i love it because ot looks so metallic on that gear.

Helm: Primeval (From the gem store if you didnt know)
shoulders: tactical pauldrons (Bought from tactician Lyan in fireheart rise, its a heart guy)
Body: Armageddon (Temple armor)
Gloves: Primeval
Legs: Armageddon
Boots: Primeval

Thats pretty much it, and not to brag, but… I agree, the combination is super awesome. One of the best warriors i have seen, even though it is my own. :d

Ty so much

80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


First off.. is it possible to post two characters? I have a warrior and a necro.. Anyways,

I like the look. It’s not overdone, it simple, yet unique… but i don’t like the black and white colours… Feels so mainstream


I will post both mine, rate both or which one you like best

Warrior first then necro second

What gear/dye are you using for your warrior? Im in love with the combination

80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


All this hate towards DH.. alliance this alliance that, numbers here numbers there… personally I could care less if we’re double teamed this wouldn’t be the first time for us. Hell, during our second round against SBI and Kaineng it was obvious they teamed up against us since we stomped them hard during the first round, but what did we do? We adapted and still placed second place even when (believe it or not) we were seriously outnumbered. So even if you guys team up on us it won’t be anything new, we’ll still hold our ground.


80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: LovenRage.8592


Darkhaven sleeping right now, commanders will be pretty kitten ed when they wake up they’ll pull everyone out of PvE and paint the map our color during primetime

80 Warrior | Mesmer in the works |
[Abys] & [Zone]