(edited by Lucii.9580)
Showing Posts For Lucii.9580:
All the ingame setting are stored in the local.dat file, it may have been corrupted try deleting it.
Which Dat file are you referencing? The large dat that is the primary game data? Is there a separate one for the settings (please say there is?)
See atttached photo.
I’ve reloaded and repaired the game. The issue persists. They were high res as appropriate until I turned them down one day; I have never been able to get them to appear as expected since. I haven’t changed or updated any videocard settings- I believe this to be game-related.
Update: I have deleted the local.dat without success. My settings DO save when I relog, the one exception being shaders, which defaults to blank for some reason. Perhaps this is a videocard setting not playing nice.
You can see the full specs for the laptop I am running here: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&docname=c02996685
(edited by Lucii.9580)
Seconding this, though hopefully with less gems required!
I dislike most of the skins in general, and would love to see more GW1 things return, especially the skins; and not just the expansion skins, but the prophesies original skins, at least. Sorrow’s furnace is still in game, are we to honestly believe that any and all skins from that place from that era just “disappeared”? Even the most typical weapon skins? I don’t like it, and I don’t buy it.
EX (common fire focus dyed silver, also happened to be a sorrow’s furnace drop):
That it’s there for “stupid mode” is depressing in the extreme. I don’t even care if I have to download a patch from you guys manually to turn it off and bend over backwards, I would like the option a-la-GW1 UI to close/turnoff/lose crap as I pleased.
I would love an autoloot function. I don’t really understand why it’s missing, I miss my loot all the time.
I’m on PST, and it resets at 4PM for me. It’s reset both days I did it, at about 90% completion. Honestly? I am just not going to do it, since it’s in the middle of my play block and miserable to rush through. I just hate it. It’s really unfortunate, since I have no problem with the individual tasks; I have a problem with the reset, and requiring all 5 for ANY form of reward. This really needs to be a daily achievement track, where you get credit per each you do, with 5 available per day, so you can complete it at leisure.