You told us to hold onto blade shards because vendor is coming. Are we going to see it sometime this century?
Showing Highly Rated Posts By Lucyfer.9517:
kiels behaviour and helping out taimi
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Lucyfer.9517
If anything Evon deserves to be executed for his crimes. Selfish kitten .
RNG is broken, people can say random is random all they want but in this game random is not random. There are people with acounts which have permanent good luck, guaranteed to always get good drops. My friend passed 20k gold, so far he got total of 59(sic!) precursors. I play more than him and got 0 lol. Whenever we go to dungeons or do events together it is guaranteed he’ll get better rewards than me. You can talk about lotery all you want but if same people keep wining the lotery over and over and over and over and……. I can’t helpbut doubt RNG.
(edited by Lucyfer.9517)
Lol Anet way to scam people. Want to delete anything else we earned/bough while you at it? Legendaries, armor skins, minis, other boosters? Make your pick….
(edited by Lucyfer.9517)
Those restrictions should be lifted once acount is x months old or once it has like 5000 achivement points. I think it would be quite clear at this point that the acount is not a gold seller.
Why did it take them 2 weeks to realise something people knew since new tequila first died? So much time and kills wasted with kitten loots and now they upgrade it when i cant force myself to even look at it anymore.
(edited by Lucyfer.9517)
Was stacking them for quite a while so i could drink them with max buffs, now it all goes to waste. Really appreciate it…