Showing Posts For Lufian Cweald.3574:
I was having a crack again last night. It went….ok. I’m finding that Mesmers and Elementalists more so are almost impossible for me if they can play. The elementalist can unload their big damage combo basically every time and the timing to hit mesmers seems really difficult. This isn’t for all but a lot, on top of that a GC thief with basilisk is going to get me most times unless I stealth beforehand because he wins the “Snap” match.
….might have to try a pistol condition spec once I have the gold for a complete overhaul :/
People same the same about the Ground game of MMA…or BJJ in general. I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. I enjoy these videos more than others.
I should have first said awesome play and fast thought process. I have to say your videos keep convincing me to go back to D/D when I am contemplating other combos.
watching this makes me cry….
I’m watching carefully to see how things land for you and they land really well and consistantly…..I might be wrong and maybe some Oceanic player can show that I am but I don’t think this level of play as a dagger thief is possible from our side of the world
Howver I am on a mission to figure out how I can do it.
@Karolis I tend to spam auto attack instinctively since my first 80 before the thief is an engineer It still manages to miss though :/
@LOCO I think I will try that. I used to play a rogue in wow and used a similiar tool. It helped me A LOT, thanks I’ll give that a go.
I just wanted to find out if other Thieves were having the same issues as me?
I have major issues using melee main hands due to missing absolutely anyone who is running away. I will be chasing down a player and actually bumping into them and at the same time missing 8 times in a row. Using both auto attack and even heartseeker.
I am not noticeably lagging when this occurs, it just happens always. I’m wondering if anyone has the same experience and If they found a fix for it.
Either I find a fix for it or I suppose I have to change to use pistol/dagger or pistol/pistol, SB as the offhand.
It bascially means I cannot kill anyone who wants to run and I miss maybe 40% of all hits I would think I could normally land if the player moves a lot.
Elementalists and Mesmers must just laugh at me. Had one the other day when I was swinging away at them message me saying “having fun?”…..I answered “not really” Then they grouped me and we had a chat until my side’s zerg turned up.
My Engineer is so fat he takes two steps and gets bronze achievement for every event in the zone….oh wait sorry
My engineer is so bad he pulls the people trying to kill him closer when he gets downed!
Yeah I know I was just hoping there may be an argument that would point me in the right direction.
Sorry if this has been discussed. I haven’t seen the threads. I have a new thief and I was really enjoying the playstyle.
I was playing around with dual daggers and dual pistols and then switch one of each and realised that I had a nice combo of either a set of weapons that spaced me from my target and a set that kept me on top of them.
While using the short bow is pretty kitten good as the offset I am finding the alternate P/D and D/P really fun. I switch obviously depending on if my target is melee or caster. I am really finding it hard to decide between crit or condition damage though.
Any help from the more experienced would be appreciated. I am only lvl 14 right now by the way so leveling is the main concern right now.
Not quite an engineer quote.
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Dev1: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Dev2! What is best in life?
Dev2: To crush your engineers, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their mini pets.
Mongol General: That is good! That is good.
Johnny Fox: Devs, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good engineers or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Nerfing pleases you, Devs… but grant me one request. Grant me a #1 grenade attack that auto hits! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
Nyx Wulf: To the hell fires with Johnny Fox. He’s evil; an engineer who can summon turrets. His turrets’ only purpose is to die in his service. Thousands of them.
(edited by Lufian Cweald.3574)
/Johnny Fox pulls out his flamethrower
click missmissmissmissmissmiss
forehead slap
Unfortunately I am feeling exactly the same way as you. Just blew a bunch of gold on getting set up a tank cat style spec and while it has some short lived fun I am having exactly the same experience as you.
I am still hoping to stay and enjoy the game some more but as th engineer is my one 80 I’m not sure if I’ll hang around too much longer.
Thanks for the replies. It was just something I was considering. I do enjoy the flamethrower but was finding it a bit lack luster. Interesting points you made thanks Has me thinking of a dfferent type of build.
Honestly I have no idea if you can with something like this and please shoot me down if thats what needs to be done…..but if you think you can do it can you discuss what skills you might go after this base?
I figgen LOVE my engineer. Still leveling. At 66 now but I tried the other classes and the engineer got me. I’m not sure why but I don’t see any Bomb builds. I am using a tanky bomb build that out damages both the FT and Nade build I can accomplish at my level. I’m loving it big time. I get people remarking on how fast I kill things, I speed around in perma sprint (love that too) and bomb the hell out of everything. I can take out basically ANY number of mobs if they are melee.
It’s crazy fun. I believe it will have difficulties in PvP but I plan to use the same build in WvW and I think it will surprise a few people. Maybe not perfect but I can see myself doing some interesting things.