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Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


Been receiving this error for the past two months myself, as well as started getting Network Error. Please check your Internet connectiom and try again. (Code=1022:5:1:874:101) within the past day.

What the heck. Absolutely nothing has fixed this. Please Anet, fix this problem so we can play the game!

Hero Point Icons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


I really have to agree with most of this thread. Hero Points are currently a real pain to figure out whether or not I’ve completed it. I’ve actually taken to mousing over the points on the top-left of the map where it shows X/XX so it shines whatever’s not completed, but that’s annoying to do.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


I really agree with a lot of the other people here. The areas that the expansion is going to be adding and all of that really doesn’t add up to this price, especially considering we’re not getting an expansion slot with the pre-purchase. There’s absolutely no incentive to buy the game early right now.

Either include at least a character slot with all levels, or I and many others will simply wait for the price to drop so we can purchase HoT and a character slot at the same price(Or less!).

I mean, there’s literally no reason to pre-purchase the standard edition, it’s literally just the game. Beta Testing for a company is hardly a deal, and many people don’t care for titles. As such, I really really recommend that Anet include some reason to purchase the standard edition before it releases, because this is extraordinarily underwhelming especially considering you’re adding a new class, and those such as myself will have to purchase additional slots to even play a portion of the new content!

Confusion too fickle. Retaliation just fine?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


My proposed change would be % of damage reflected, increased by the person’s power who has the boon, such that if you hit someone with base power, it’s 40% reflect, and say, 1900-2200 would be 80%. That’d be interesting, at least.

New Wallet; also Combat Changes (Esp. Conds)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


I think some of the ascended crafting mats like dragonite ore could benefit from simply reducing the crafting amounts and amounts in game. What if we reduce the amount of dragonite ore generated by a factor of 10. Suddenly it only takes 10 to craft and you don’t get as much from its current sources. Then simply reduce everyone’s current quantities by a factor of 10 and round up. Surely no one has reason to complain if someone gets a little more ore during the switch. So now we get 10x less dragonite ore than normal, crafting is the same relative to the new amount and we have 10x more space in the bank relative to the new norm for ore. I might still throw it out after a couple laps in SW or a Open World Boss rotation but I won’t have 4 stacks, hopefully just one.

This, a million times this. This would solve our banking issues with this junk instantly.

Shattered Aegis (Guardian) Interrupts skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


Steps to reproduce:

1: Have Shattered Aegis(Zeal V)
2: Have Aegis up on self
3: Aggro enemy, and before they strike, begin casting anything that has a cast time of any form.
4: Deal damage to enemy due to Shattered Aegis and CANCEL your skills without skills refunding cooldown.

This is especially frustrating for skills such as Renewed Focus, as using F1-F3 and then using Renewed focus practically guarantees that Renewed Focus will Cancel, going on full cooldown.

This bug will cause every single skill to cancel, including auto attacks.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


Honestly, thinking over this change. It’s a good change and necessary; HOWEVER, dungeons themselves are severely flawed and this change only exacerbates the current problems. You have trash mobs that are extremely powerful and bosses that literally one-shot vitality+toughness build characters. This is in no way balanced.

In the end, I think the only fixes possible would be to make the AI better and to tone stuff down so fights are more like those in PvP rather than simply instant death if you make a mistake. For example, in WvW, as a level 80 Thief, I got into a duel against another 80 Thief and we spent THIRTY MINUTES fighting across half of the map against each other(/salute to you, whoever you are on Ferguson’s Crossing).

However, in dungeons, you either faceroll content because the AI doesn’t dodge or use abilities like players do, or you die in one hit because you were a quarter step to the side and an aoe effect ticked on you, downing you instantly and killing you the tick right after that. Then, with this change, combined with the fact that reviving somebody that’s dead is something like two freaking minutes, dungeons have immediately become unplayable for the average player. Several of them have become impossible for even GOOD groups to do now.

Unless dungeons are fixed, or the AI is updated with a nerf to dungeon mobs, I see absolutely no reason to play them right now. I can just WvW, PvP, or craft instead.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


I really think that they need to re-think in-combat rez speed as opposed to out of combat rez speed with this change. If people are downed then in dungeons they’re likely in some form of aoe and will die rapidly, which also means that anyone who attempts to pick them up during this time will die. After that though, once they’re actually dead, rez speed is extraordinarily slow. Punishingly slow.

ANET needs to look at this very very closely, because this is going to make dungeons far too hard to be worth the effort for many many players unless they nerf them a TON.

Dodge roll "randomly" fails [video included]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


I am experiencing this as a Dagger Thief all over the place. It’s can be abused because the first .2s or so does have dodge invulnerability, HOWEVER, I can use this to gain stacks of might/swiftness WHILE auto attacking. This means I can get an extra 3-5 stacks of might that I should not be able to gain. If this is done in SPvP, then Thieves can gain more might than expected, possibly breaking balance.

I use the hotkey(v) while moving with qweasd keys and then quickly change direction and it’s almost guaranteed to work should it be timed right. This could easily be abused for might/swiftness, AND you can dodge skills if it’s timed perfectly. It’s also extremely annoying if you do it accidentally against something that’s going to kill you, because then you die :P.

Transparent World(only in some places and cam angles)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lumarin.1063


Please excuse the blacked out parts, that’s just my start menu and task bar I removed; I did this because the in-game screenshot tool takes a screenshot of the world as it’s supposed to be, not as that world actually is on my game. I could have taken a video of this instead, and if a dev asks me to, I can provide them with one, but I believe an image works just as well.

The bug is that at certain locations and at certain angles, the entire world becomes partially transparent to me, and it can be extremely beautiful and yet distracting in some of those places(Ert and Burt skill challenge in queensdale looked amazing with everything shining golden, for example).

This image is from blue hill in the eternal battlegrounds and I believe it shows what I’m talking about quite nicely:

As a comparison, this is from the in-game screenshot button:

This only started happening after I updated my nvidia drivers from the 306.23 BETA drivers to the 306.23 WHQL drivers. As I stated before, if this isn’t enough, a dev can request a video or I can post my computer’s specs.