Showing Posts For Luna.3256:
I’d never deny we have numbers sometimes. But like you said, they are more interested in capping and then ‘taking a break’ when BT come back hah. Btw, I’ve seen a queue on our BL like four times ever in eight months. It’s not something that happens often, more than you of course. Happened a few times in EB too.
I’m curious though, are those the numbers you get in your BL? I don’t spend much time in your BL so I’m honestly curious. :>
Really depends, we tend to snowball quite a few people on the commander tag and very little elsewhere, then if the commander moves to another BL then the one they were just in will become deserted. It’d normally start in our BL cause that’s where people normally gather so there’s normally a bigger group there but they tend to appear when Vabbi’s doing well and like you said “take a break” when things aren’t going our way. And then there’s a few small groups doing their own thing but they’re few and far between, and we’re talking small small.
I think you have more people that you realise. They made orange swords ganking two people outside the tower, incase you wonder how many.
Whilst it’s true we do have enough people to get stuff done, most of them are on the karma train just taking stuff with no intention of defending it, in essence not that useful. And orange swords does not prove anything. At peak Vabbi probably has about 50 people scattered across all 4 of the maps (just a guess), and they quickly disappear when it comes to actually defending our objectives, whereas FOW has apparently had a queue to their borders on several occasions (that’s at least 100 people in WvW for you just to throw some numbers out). You could put 4 sets of orange swords up on one map with those numbers! So really, I think it’s FOW who doesn’t realise just how many people they have. Their population at peak seems a lot closer to BT’s than it does to Vabbi’s, I’ve seen some unholy FOW zergs recently. No matter which way you look at it we’re still have the lowest WvW pop in Europe, possibly the world.
And @ all the rage about truces and betrayal and backstabbing, who cares. One person on either server saying there’s a truce does not mean there is a truce. No one person can represent an entire server so it’s all irrelevant.
Look at the overall score, getting pretty close between FOW and Vabbi aye guys?!
It’s getting hot in here.
Thanks for the responses guys. I have tried the world bosses for a while but I actually find them a little boring and often unrewarding. COF, whilst probably an amazing source of income compared to others doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t wanna cap a class I don’t enjoy, pay to gear him up and then play a dungeon I don’t wanna do over and over again, I thought you were meant to be rewarded for whichever part of the game you do, all they’ve done recently is push people towards COF. That and I’m pretty pessimistic and I know the second I get my warrior geared up and ready for action they’d throw in a nerf on COF and I’d have a big old tantrum.
Anyway thanks again for the responses.
Ok so I’m on the grind for my first legendary and the amount of gold I need is pretty daunting. Back when I was saving for my cultural armor and corrupted skins I would just grab a coffee, sit down and farm Cursed Shore at Shelter’s/Penitents back to back, and though it got a little tedious, it was manageable. My main niggle with it was the wait in between events, I wanna kill zombies and get lots of loot all the time y’know?
Anyway, anyone who’s been to Cursed Shore recently will know that the activation of events is far slower that it was before, to the point where I don’t even bother going there because I spend so much time waiting for the events to occur that it’s not particularly worthwhile, that and the somewhat weird scaling system. The fact that there’s barely anyone there anymore as well makes it far less enjoyable for me as a farming spot. So my question is this, has anyone found an alternative in open world? Not a farm spot just killing monsters but good farmable dynamic events in close proximity where there’s always plenty of people there? Because for me the decrease in event frequency was an unnecessary change, and I’d like to find a place where I can jump in and farm for as long as I like and jump out, without having to worry about being a zerker warrior, or having buckets of agony resistance, just good old fashion AOEing. Thanks in advance!
Hey Vabbi, FOW and RoS!
Just wanted to say how fun this matchup has been despite the obvious lopsided numbers. To Vabbi and to FOW as well I’m sure capturing the entire map is not our top priority, coming anywhere near to winning is not important either, if it was we would have jumped ship a long time ago. Personally, I like to just be able to jump in and enjoy myself in WvW rather than have it seem like a part-time job, and that’s why I like Vabbi so much and would not consider moving.
On a side note @Nymph, LNA was created on RoS at launch and after moving around a lot (RoS → FOW → Seafarer’s Rest → Back to RoS → Finally to Vabbi) we settled. Partly because of the sense of community that Vabbi has, almost everyone you see in WvW you would recognise to some extent, and I think that’s great. Partly for the peace and quiet and also partly after being on other servers (and Ruins of Surmia was particularly guilty of this at the time) the obnoxiousness of some of their members and especially their commanders was very offputting and unfriendly, so we initially transferred for the satisfaction of killing said commanders.
So I’ve been to RoS, I do know what it’s like to play larger scale WvW and I just don’t prefer it to be honest. There are some great players I’ve encountered this week in WvW on RoS, some not so great. A necro turning on his commander tag half way through a 3v2 when it started not going his way is an example of poor play. Either way I wish the mother server all the best, it’s been great fun playing y’all.
Oh and greatest respect for Hybrid, Keepcrusher and Ixjamo, all great Vabbi commanders and help keep the WvW going.
To be fair FoW and Vabbi are where they deserve to be seeing as their only tactic is to hide in their little invincible areas and attack at range or just stand there even when they outnumber us, pathetic really and no wonder they are a joke.
I genuinely can’t remember the last time a group of Vabbi outnumbered a group of anyone other than Fissure. Either way, these sort of “tactics” are employed by players on all servers, dare I even say that players on RoF do it too. I know, it’s shocking to hear!
Whilst it’s nice to see some of RoF with good sportsmanship, it would also be nice for our tier collectively to not be called the trashcan. When I logged in to the first time in this matchup and went off to EB there was more Vabbi than I have seen in a while fighting (admittedly a stones throw away from our spawn) a -somewhat- equal number of RoF. From what I heard there was a similar experience of masses of RoF close to spawns in other borderlands too. It’s true that fights like this do happen, but when they do you can bet your kitten that there are very few Vabbi anywhere else across all the maps, and it’s probably a similar situation for FOW. The fights out on the field are fun admittedly but they amount to very little in WvW. It’s difficult, and frustrating to capture any points at the moment, everything’s upgraded, very few people, and there is so little else going on that the second you contest a point people’ll WP to the nearest keep and be there within the minute with twice your number.
Someone mentioned the trebuchet on a camp earlier, and I was fortunate enough to see it happening, pretty funny in a “are they seriously doing that” kinda way. And the last time I checked RoF had a 30:2:1 score compared to FOW/Vabbi respectively. We haven’t had this sort of punishment in a very long time, so it may not be a bad matchup from your perspective, but it certainly is for us.
That would be me, and the other Luna. Mutual respect would be a good way to describe it too I guess!
Literally the fourth time I’ve been in SM since launch, and I play WvW quite a bit. Was lots of fun, great commanding and great play all round! Let’s hope for more success, and the -unofficial?- truce, ish, with FOW continues. And a shout out to the [JD] team, those guys sure know how to dance.
If the story progresses each week it will be a really nice addition. So this week we start seeing the Refugees, then next week a bit of an explanation and some more troubling effects, then so on and so forth until we give Jormag/Primordius a slap or whatever’s going on here. Waiting a month between each portion of the story would be a waste of something which could be awesome, personally I’d lose interest in it.
Comments on the current refugee situation: It’s a glorified renown heart.
Ok, so I’m now ex-Vabbster, I’ve been hanging around the lower tiers for a while now, purely because I prefer small scale WvW to what I imagine the higher tiers would be like in terms of zerging, and I like my decisions to have some sort of impact on the final outcome (though we’ve had some difficulty due to lack of numbers for the most part.)
I’ll briefly explain what’s been happening in the lower tiers over the last few weeks.
Firstly, the three main servers down here are Ruins of Surmia, Fissure of Woe and Vabbi, and for the most part are ranked in this order. Surmia had the highest population and was the most successful, Fissure of Woe not sure about numbers but roughly equal to Vabbi but appeared to be slightly more organised at certain times, hence the scores. Surmia tiered up and Whiteside Ridge were pushed down. Now in comparison to Whiteside neither FoW or Vabbi had any sort of success, there were no tactics to be deployed other than capture a tower or keep and just wait for the overwhelming numbers to come take back the only location they don’t already control. It wasn’t much fun but it was just a numbers game. I’m guessing Surmia had a similar problem in T8 where they just didn’t have the numbers to compete so they’ve got pushed back down. Fair enough.
This is where things started changing. Surmia for whatever reason was no longer dominating as they once were. Fissure of Woe, out of nowhere were doing pretty amazingly, and Vabbi were definitely making an improvement (not because of Xaoc I have to add). The next matchup comes and it’s the same servers again. This time, Vabbi shot up. Last time I checked Surmia’s second and FoW is now third. I went to play some WvW with my brother, it wasn’t something resembling what we enjoyed, small scale. It was just a collection of commanders who I’d never seen before charging around and using sheer numbers to overwhelm the other two. No in depth cutting edge WvW tactics they may think they’re employing, just zerging.
Now my issue with this is this. People may think they’re doing lowest tier a favour by bringing a zerg into it but you are not. People don’t stay on lower tiers because they don’t enjoy it, server transfers are free and people should logically just go where they most enjoy. You’ve basically brought a higher tier to this lower tier, knowing full well that there’s very little competition and that you can walk through. You’ve more than doubled the population WvW population of Vabbi which causes those who were already there because they enjoy it to be put off. You’re acting as a disincentive for the actual Vabbsters to stay, and as a general statement, individually the players in Xaoc are notoriously bad. Please, leave, stop ruining a server that was perfectly happy without you, stop ruining a tier that was perfectly happy without you. I feel for Surmia, they’ve worked hard to tier up without a massive influx of transfers, took the knock of being tiered down again and now have to deal with this. I feel for FoW because they look like they were finally gaining momentum in WvW which has just been picked apart by again not having the numbers to deal with anything. Because of this reason we have moved to FoW, to help fight against (however futile it may be) the people who have ruined the server. I urge any true Vabbster to do the same, don’t waste your time with this. Just when this alliance joined our server so did numerous hackers and cheaters, personally, since Vabbi rarely get transfers I doubt it’s a coincidence.
Other than that sorry if I come across aggressively or whatever, I’ve been in the lower tiers for the entirety of my GW2 career, I mostly play in WvW, I’m pretty comfortable with the dynamics of the lower tier and you’ve just come along and ruined it for 3 servers, as well as pushing people away from my server. GL with your alliance, I wish you a swift and speedy exit from our tier so we can have a little normality restored.