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Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

What this address says to me:

Veteran players have to pay full price for an expansion every time.
New players will always have the cheapest deals.

Thanks, ANet. Been with you for over 10 years and gave you money for the in-game stuff you release now and then. Instead of rewarding us, you just laugh at us and make us pay more. I can feel the love. I don’t need any more character slots. If I wanted more, I can just buy one with in-game money.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

(edited by Lustre Of Havoc.9173)

HoT discount for veteran players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Living Story was working fine. People were just whining a lot because they wanted more content. 90% of the players don’t actually understand how much work it takes to create and code this type of content. So when people complain that they barely got any content after two weeks, it just makes me angry at their ignorance.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

HoT discount for veteran players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

They didn’t say there wouldn’t be expansions. They said that if the Living Story worked out they wouldn’t need to do expansions. Obviously then, the Living Story didn’t work out so now there is an expansion.

They DID say there wasn’t going to be expansions. If you had been following the game since they first announced it 8 years ago, they did say it at one point, because it was one of the main reasons I was very excited about the game.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

HoT discount for veteran players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

I thought there was going to be something like this. I’ve been around since the first few months of Guild Wars: Prophecies, which is 10+ years. I heard a couple devs say they were thinking about giving long time players some kind of discount. Is that not going to happen now? Especially since there weren’t supposed to be expansions in the first place, I think there needs to be some kind of compensation for letting us down in that regard. I was excited when you guys had originally said you’d release a little bit at a time, every two weeks or so, to the living story. It was an amazing idea and I still think it’s something worth doing. It just brings me back to the first Guild Wars, when we were waiting to get the next campaign, and instead of waiting 6 months, we waited a year for a small expansion, and 5 years after that for a whole different game.

I love the stuff that you guys create, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t like that you constantly change your mind about what you’re going to do. I think it’s fine that you think of something new, but when you tell us your plan, and THEN change it? Why not think things through first, before you tell us what’s going to happen and get our hopes up.

I don’t want to pay $50 for something that wasn’t supposed to exist in the first place.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Trading Carapace Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

I think I still have a valid point.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Trading Carapace Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

0-3 ectos is not worth it. I did know this, hence why I am making this topic.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Trading Carapace Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

There should be a way to exchange a Carapace Box if you manage to get one from a Lost Bandit Chest and it’s a piece you already have all the skins of. I just bought the last of the boots with 1000 Crests and then I get a box of boots from a chest not 10 minutes later…

If not the ability to trade, at least an option to trade in the box for less than 1000 Crests, so we don’t have to work as much for the pieces we do need. I would settle for 500 Crests.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Can people stop whining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Can you stop whining about people whining?


“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Can people stop whining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

If this was a subscription game, I’d totally understand people complaining about content. This isn’t a subscription game. Stop complaining; you only had to pay once. The rest is 100% free.

By the way, there’s a big difference between suggesting ideas and whining. Most of you have been whining.

There won’t be an expansion. Stop asking when it’s coming.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Glowing in Heart of the Mists?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

“Reflect the light”. It’s all about the angle, where the source of light is, armor type and texture. It is just graphical effect of the game. Been there since day one. I always hated how HotM bloomed like this

I just don’t believe it’s that simple/complex. I think that glow means something. The one guy was ranked in the top 80 on the leaderboards. Perhaps highly ranked people glow in the Mists…?

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Glowing in Heart of the Mists?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

It’s just games bloom effect. Bright surfaces reflect light and are supposed to imitate blinding effect. Brightly dyed armors, specially heavy (metal) ones might “glow” like amsterdam brothel at night.

EDIT: And Heart of the Mists has this “misty” filter added, that makes such bloom more visible. Cuz you know. It makes the place look… “misty”.

My gloves have Celestial dye on the metal studded part. Those don’t glow at all. The screenie doesn’t show it that well, but the body glows, not just the armor. Their skin has an “aura” coming off of it. My fur is white and nothing is glowing on that.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Glowing in Heart of the Mists?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

I saw two people today glowing like this, and I hadn’t seen it before. That or I just wasn’t interested in knowing at the time I had seen it. Either way, they are glowing all over in a bluish-white light. Not just the outside, like Sunrise. This screenie I took has one. I’m the Charr in the middle, she’s immediately to the left. She was glowing before she had Kudzu equipped.

Another guy who was glowing had Zodiac armor, but the light is clearly more white than blue.

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG

Scythes as staves?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lustre Of Havoc.9173

Lustre Of Havoc.9173

As much as a scythe as a staff has looked cool for any profession that could use staves is, I’d like to see some scythes as greatswords. Like the old Asuran Scythe from GW1. If you saw a Warrior come at you with a giant Asuran Scythe, you’d run the other way! My main is an Engineer, so I would look silly with any type of scythe, which sucks. I do miss my Dervish…

What do you guys think?

“The knack to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss” —HHGG