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Suggestions for WvW Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthias.9741


Thank you all for the feedback so far. I have added your commentary to the list. Please let me know if you have any other items you would like put on the list of suggestions.

Suggestions for WvW Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthias.9741


CAMP improvements : leave just the guild supervisor guard,make it ~4 times stronger with a ranged attack,allow it to be upgraded to lvl 81 and 82

Thank you for the suggestion. Do you think it should retain the current buff it gets to prevent camp flipping too often with those modifications? Or this change should eliminate that buff?

Suggestions for WvW Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthias.9741


Here are a list of items that I would recommend for changing/implementing for WvW to make it a much more enjoyable experience. This is just my starting list for the time being and I will continue to add to it over time. Any additional suggestions that are made by folks to this thread (that are not directly contradictory in nature) will be considered for addition as well.

Downed State Changes
- Downed state abilites need to be uniform across all characters: ranged attack, ranged interrupt and heal
- Downed state traits need to be removed/replaced to prevent enhancing downed state

Player Resurrection Changes
- Maximum number of resurrectors for a downed player should be 1
- Players that are being resurrected should continue to take damage
- When a player dies, their screen should go black to prevent scouting after three seconds
- After a player rallies, they should only come back with a maximum 10% health

Character Changes
- Mesmer portal needs to be restricted to party only, disappears after 5 people have entered it, cannot be used to used by siege weapons (golems) or pass through walls
- Culling needs to be corrected to prevent unfair stealth advantage for the Thief class

Siege Weapon Changes
- Siege supply requirements should be much higher for construction and build time…it is way too accessible in this game
- Siege needs to have some supply requirement for reloading ammunition
- With proposed changes to supply requirement and build time stated above, siege weapons should have durability increased substantially

WvW Mechanics Changes
- Population cap should not be applied at the zone level in WvW…but for WvW as a whole for each server…to provide more fluid movement and strategic options between zones
- Skill system to perpetuate character development should be implemented to encourage WvW (similar to Realm Ability system in DAoC)
- Dungeon/Zone created as reward to server controlling the majority of the WvW map should be implemented (similar to Darkness Falls in DAoC)
- Modify loot bag system for WvW so players are not missing out on drops that were earned by killing opposing server players and NPCs
- Modify camps to just contain the supervisor as the defense, but modify it’s strength to offset the reduced number of NPCs at the camp. This NPC should then be uprgradeable to level 81 or level 82
- Alerts should be disabled unless objective is claimed by a guild. If the objective is attacked, only the claiming guild will be notified of the attack. The only other alerts that should be thrown are unclaimable points (i.e., sentries and portal keeps)

Server Transfer Changes
- Server transfers need to become a paid service only…free transfers can be open every 30 days to medium or low population servers only

(edited by Luthias.9741)

the downed state!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthias.9741


It has no need to be changed, its one of the best new dynamics added to combat I have seen in the many games i have played. Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten

The way it currently is should be revamped to only have three skills that are all uniform for every character in the game. There should be a ranged attack, a ranged interrupt and a heal. That is all. There is no reason to have different skills between characters. In addition, they should remove any traits associated to downed state and a successful rally should only result in 5-10% health. Those would be massive improvements to the downed state without removing it from the game.

Status with the Thief in WVW?

in WvW

Posted by: Luthias.9741


And then a guildie told me about a video showing a single thief taking out 25 people at once… haven’t seen it yet, but plan to look it up soon.

This made me chuckle quite a bit. If this actually exists (which it most likely does not), it would not be indicative of the power of the class…but rather the wholesale ineptitude of the other players he/she was facing.

With that said, the Thief is a solid class. It has had some adjustments made to it since launch that should have been made, but seems to be in line with the other classes in the game at current. There are a few things that I have heard other players report about them that I personally haven’t encountered, but if they are legitimate claims (essentially taking advantage of the culling issue and being able to cap points in stealth)…those things should be fixed.

The forums are a terrible place to gauge relative class effectiveness because everyone else is overpowered and their class is kittened. The only class that I believe needs some downward tweaking currently is the Mesmer. Outside that, I think things are decent shape (always room for improvement though)

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Luthias.9741


So the lesson learned from these simple graphs is:

Stop letting people transfer to servers with ridiculous WvW queue times, especially for free. Allow guilds to transfer to lower populated servers and keep their guild perks / upgrades and influence.

I’d actually be in favor of ANet blocking server transfers completely, unless you’re transferring to a lesser populated server. 24 hours isn’t nearly enough to stop people from server hopping.

I’ve never seen a MMO allow this many server transfers this often. Completely ruins what little point there is to WvW in the first place.

This is a very well stated post. The only servers that should be allowable transfer targets are those that are not high/full servers in peak time. The other servers should be off limits for the time being. Server populations won’t distribute if you you allow the crowded, top rated servers to be a transfer destination.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Luthias.9741


Could you elaborate at how that 3% rate for those that logged in and queued that never got in was derived? Does this include those that logged in, queued and then logged out due to the inability to get into WvW due the extraordinarily long queue duration? If it it doesn’t, there needs to be some way to account for those in the numbers…perhaps if they exceeded a certain elasped queue time. I think the 3% rate that is cited is not showing the whole picture regarding the state of people attempting to get into WvW.

Extraordinarily high miss rate for Heartseeker post change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luthias.9741


After the patch last night, I have noticed that Heartseeker is missing quite often when I am in WvW on stationary targets (roughly 50%). The change to the skill was fine, but the very high miss rate that was introduced with the change needs to be looked at.

Heartseeker missing?

in Thief

Posted by: Luthias.9741


I was going to say it seems like it is around 50% myself, but that is just a rough guess based off observation. I do know that it is missing an awful lot after the change. I don’t have a problem with the modification they made to it, but I do have a problem with it missing so much.