Showing Posts For Lyfeenz.5167:

Minion Master Reaper Viable (PvE)???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167


Totally a fun build, I leveled exclusively with MM, and it was fast and fun. Probably one of the best open world builds in the game. It’s beefy, good damage, kinda hard to not do good. The only complaint I’d have was it was a little easy/repetitive. You basically mash dagger 1 and steamroll. Vets are easy, and Champs are soloable with some skill.

As far as raids go, I’d probably go with a condi build over MM, but hey it’s your playtime. Do whatever floats yer boat.

Potluck Massacre [PLUM]-Sanctum of Rall

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167


As someone who has recently started playing, do you have a fair number of new players or low levels ? or is it mostly level capped people running endgame content ? I’m looking for a fresh start and would eventually like to get into some WvWvW.

MadCast Gaming [MCG] [SoR]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167



Do y’all have a fair number of lower level / new players ? I’m just getting into GW2 again and would like to start fresh with some like-levelled people.

Potluck Massacre [PLUM] is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167


Do You have alot of players, yet to reach level cap ? I’m just getting back into the game and am looking for some people that play in the evening. What sort of numbers do you have that play around 6-10 Server time ?

Guilds out there in PST or CST ?

in Guilds

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167


edited with more detail.

Guilds out there in PST or CST ?

in Guilds

Posted by: Lyfeenz.5167


Just curious if there are any active mature guilds out there that plan events either later in the evening Eastern time, or have a good number of members in Mountain/Pacific time.

Don’t usually get to start playing until about 9:00-9:30 EST and would like a group to level and do dungeons and other group content, as well as learn all about WvW. I’m fairly easygoing, but relatively new to GW2. So a little patience would be in order to get up to speed. I’m not new to MMO’s in any sense, just this one.

I’m currently on Sanctum of Rall and ideally would like to avoid paying for a server transfer. But if that’s what’s needed in order to find people in my play time then I’ll do it.

(edited by Lyfeenz.5167)