Showing Posts For Lynith.1650:

Looking for [NA] Guild, OpenWorld/Meta

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lynith.1650


About me:
-Day 1 player
-Sanctum of Rall Server
-Multiple 80’s (Though I prefer Guardian I occasionally play Warrior and Revenant)
-1 Legendary (Rodgort, I love torch on Guardian!)
-Ascended Armor/Accessories
-Fairly Casual, my hardcore days are over- get off my lawn!
-No interest in Raids or Fractals, at least at the moment
-Interest in WvW that isn’t loot trains
-Primary hours Weekdays 9PM-Midnight EST, Weekends vary greatly.

I’m looking for a guild that regularly participates and starts open world groups. Bosses. Map Rewads. Map Metas. I’ve become quite the zergling. I’m fairly close to getting my Commander tag as well. I missed most of HoT so it’s still fairly new to me and I can never get enough Silverwastes.

Drop me a line if you think this sounds like your guild.

Buying gems makes screen go black?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lynith.1650


So I’ve been having an odd issue since the recent patch. If I try to buy gems, I get to the page where I enter my name and address…. and my screen goes completely black. Not just the Guild Wars window. My ENTIRE screen. And it stays black until I ALT+F4 Guild Wars 2.

So far, this has only happened when buying gems. I’ve been playing the game all this time and not a single problem. I want that Infinite Coin! >.<

Things I would GLADLY pay Gems for

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lynith.1650


Good job on the Gem Shop so far. I like the unlimited use gathering items. It’s not necessary, but so convenient. So I had a few more ideas and I thought I’d mention some ideas in between instigator spawns (or Karka Queen spawns.)

I received VERY favorable reaction for:
-A ferret (Mini or Toy slot?) that loots items around you automatically
-A high-stack salvage kit that automatically salvages items below a set threshold.
Combined, these would be absolutely incredible.

I received some favorable reaction for:
-A karka hatchling “hat.” You wouldn’t even need to make a new skin. Just permanently attach one to my face. (Headcrabs ftw)

Seriously, I’d buy these items in a heartbeat. You’ve probably already thought of them, but the support is there.

Southsun Omelette Gourmand Question

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Lynith.1650


One of the things ANet has always been famous among their fans for is the ability for everyone to participate in events. Southsun Cove is no different, with players being up-leveled to 80. Which is great, if you have friends that aren’t 80 yet and don’t wish to rush.

However, the item for completing “Southsun Omelette Gourmand” requires you to be level 75.

If we were to finish all the achievements, and they were to keep the Omelette in their inventory, would they be able to complete that 25th achievement say… months from now when they hit 75 and thus get the backpack?