Showing Posts For Lytic.7238:
This is either a bug, or respawns happening too quickly.
This Risen in the graveyard continue to spawn at such a rate, we could not kill them all. I thought we had it down to 0 a couple times, but another would pop up, and then many more before we killed them all. I think I was on that step with a few others for around 15-20 min, until we eventually failed the event.
The only outcome of this event seems to be failure. If this is not the case, then perhaps the spawn rate needs to be toned down a little.
Water Bubble Sound in Bore Lynch too loud: Not adjusting with in game Audio volume controls
Posted by: Lytic.7238
I get near the water, the audio sound of the water is set to maximum, even though I only sound effects at 50% and master volume around 40%.
If I adjust the volume of either master or sound effects to 0, the volume does go to 0, so I do not hear it. Any other volume setting it is at maximum volume.
All the events I’ve had this issue with, has quite a few people participating, and in such cases I only received a bronze at best.
But I’ve also experienced getting gold for an event, which I didn’t even know I participated in. Maybe I killed a mob while running through the zone? not sure.
Every time I go by, it is not functioning.
Another bug related to this.
If you attack her for a bit through the door, it displays invulnerable as was mentioned. After a minute or so, you get exp as if you killed her, but no credit or anything else.
Battle Presence -
If you have points in Virtues, it increases the duration of the Boon; But Battle Presence is a non stacking boon, so it pops immune, then the buff lapses. In effect it skips every other tic of the buff leading to a 50-66% loss in effectiveness.
I agree it’s somewhat irritating with these changes.. BUT they really did need to put this in. Cooking was way too easy relative to the other trades. This change helps with that.
It’s just the game should have released with these changes, not changed 2 weeks in.
I also noticed this today. I’m guessing it’s counted as a non stacking boon. With boon duration increased by going into the Virtue tree, it causes the buff to last longer, then receives immune due to the timing overlap.
This probably makes it 50-66% of the healing it should really be, due to the missed tics.
Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.
Posted by: Lytic.7238
That is not the same thing. I have experienced the bug you mention, but there are plenty of posts on it.
This post is about forgeable items being on the list of potential additions, then being removed from that list when other qualifying items are added.
Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.
Posted by: Lytic.7238
I’ve had issues on many occasions with placing 4 pieces of Jewelry into the Forge. In this example, I am using rings.
I will see rings as not faded out, but once I had the 3rd ring, many of the rings suddenly fade out and are no longer acceptable to put in the forge.
Here you see the 2 rings at the Top Left, both can be added.
Once I add the 3rd ring, the forge will no longer accept the other ring.
- The Rings I was using were all level 80 Greens.
- All of the items were crafted.
- This also occurs at other levels.
- Pretty sure I’ve seen with other Jewelry, not just rings.
- If I add the faded ring anyway, the forge button remains faded.
- I can change the order, and I get the same result. Oce the 3rd ring is added, the 4th ring fades out.
- The ring on the far right was a level 65 Green and did not fade, but I didn’t want to use this one.