Showing Posts For MJD.5913:

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MJD.5913


Good news, bad news.

Good news: with the sampling of people of all races and genders who’re experiencing this problem, we’ve ruled out the dialog not working for one or two of these combinations.

Bad news: It seems there’s something more sinister at work here. I’ll throw up a flare and see if I can get some coding support to look deeper into this.

Small dev note: We care greatly about your play experience and we are working as quickly as we can to get all of you unstuck. Please be nice to your devs who are coming in over the weekend and forgoing time with their families and loved ones to ensure that these issues get resolved as soon as we humanly can. Thanks!

I’ve noticed one thing.

Couldn’t talk to Acan after doing path with Defending the Itzel Village.
Could talk to Acan after doing path with Following Tizlak and pwning Mordrem outside of the Village.

Female Human(Warrior).

That could be it. Chose to defend the village and can’t talk with Acan.

Edit: Somehow got it to trigger the dialog after fully logging out while standing near Acan. I’ve tried that previously without success so I’m unsure why it worked this time around. It was during the day cycle so maybe that has something to do with it.

(edited by MJD.5913)

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MJD.5913


Female Human Warrior

Mad King Says achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MJD.5913


Did the event twice now. Both times resulted in not receiving the achievement. Filled out a bug report in game.

Can't purchase Gems on the Trading post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MJD.5913


Was having the same issue all day. Just got done filling out a ticket less than an hour ago and decided to give it one more shot before going to bed. This time it went through! I was able to get my 800 gems. Maybe the issue is solved? Or maybe I just got lucky. Either way I wish everyone luck with getting their gems.

[WvW] Demolition Expert / Mists Merc Camp V.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MJD.5913


Experiencing the same issues. Just solo capped dredge and got no credit.

Got 9 Achievements but progress show 7

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: MJD.5913


There seems to be a bug with the 2 dragon ball achievements not counting towards the Dragon Bash Experience achievement.

(edited by MJD.5913)

Dragon Ball Devotee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MJD.5913


I completed the 20 dragon ball games earning this achievement, but it is not counting towards the Dragon Bash Experience achievement.