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The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: MaZt.5386


So when are the Solo Q or whatever Anet have in their mind gonna be in the game cause if it isn’t anything that makes the situation bearable I won’t even bother to log in?

State of the Game #3: My take on it

in PvP

Posted by: MaZt.5386


Great post, some great points in here.

We know a lot of this, but a lot of times we can’t speak to specific plans to fix things. We also know full well what’s good in the meta (or OP). We sometimes just can’t reveal what we’re thinking about balance until our lists go final.

A lot of people assume that silence = ignorance, and often times, that’s not the case.

Great read! Enjoyed it.

Case in Point

  • WoW, for all its flaws, is actually pretty open about what they are planning. The perfect example: Blizzard was going to implement a feature where your real ID along with your real name would be displayed on the forums with things you posted: a terrible terrible idea. They were dead set on it and people voiced concerns about how our privacy would be at risk and how we could be attacked in real life by players that didn’t like what we posted. Bashiok kept stating that we shouldn’t have any concerns and were being paranoid and your real name can accomplish nothing from someone trying to find out who we are. Someone challenged him to say his real name if he didn’t care. He did. Next, they found his address, his salary, a picture of his front door via street view of Google maps and even facebook pages of his parents.
  • That feature never saw the light of day. Had they secretly implemented it, someone could have been killed by some crazy forums stalker.

Food for thought

Blizzard’s forum fk-up is a really bad example.

How often does blizzard announce GAME-RELATED information that is changed by people complaining on the forums? Cite a few of those if your going to compare them to Anet in that realm.

The only reason they didn’t go ahead with their moronic real-name forum idea was because the forum coordinator had real harm brought to him in the form of stalking. In other words, they’re so dumb that they need to be stalked and taunted by forum/internet geeks before they realize that being anonymous on the internet is important. Man…the children that work at bliz…amazing.

Yeah, lets all NOT take a page out of the fktard (blizzard) handbook.

My post was not to state that Blizzard is exactly the company Anet should be, I just provided a tangible example of where it worked. But, to immediately counter what you’re saying about WoW not divulging game changes….you know they do a ptr and every single change is in there and tested before release, right? Not only do they do a post with every single change coming in the upcoming patch, they also let anyone that desires to test it, test it. Even players with expired accounts. Feel free to google 5.2 patch notes and you’ll see a couple thousand word post on every single change that is coming into the game. Go on…I’ll wait. Keep in mind that I don’t play that game anymore and this is not to turn this thread into a WoW vs GW debate, because that would end in disaster. I’m just providing examples and disputing yours.

Totally agree with you, just because he mentioned WoW doesn’t mean you should raise the pitchforks. Don’t let your despise for WoW blind you. I will preferred if Anet had a PTS so we could test something before it is put in the normal servers. Besides with this way the bugs would be found and fixed faster.

I just don’t understand why Anet won’t listen to their playerbase. Are they trying to become another Bioware with their actions?

State of the Game #3: My take on it

in PvP

Posted by: MaZt.5386


You are so right. As long as the devs keep things that they plan to do with PvP a secret, the game is doomed to fail. Right now we don’t need to be secretive about featured plans cause PvP is dying and don’t pretend that it’s not(I’m looking at you Jon Sharp). They need to tell us what they actually have in mind cause the PvP community won’t last another failed attempt. If they don’t trust their own playerbase to decide what’s good and what’s bad for the game I don’t see it thriving then.

That’s my 2 cents.