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Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MadChef.4203



Thanks for the report.

I haven’t directly responded to this yet, but that’s only because I don’t have a complete answer for you. Our QA team has confirmed that there is a UI bug where if you type 10 or 20 it can sometimes drop the 0 from the quantity and make it look like it’s charging you for ten times that amount.

We’re going to fix that bug. We believe that it doesn’t actually charge you for the ten times amount, but we’re still investigating.

Thanks for the reply.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MadChef.4203


I scanned through this thread and I don’t think anyone has written about this issue yet…

When buying quantities of a single item that are divisible by 10 (10, 20, 30, etc…), the system seems to be dropping the 0 in the quantity amount, but keeping the full amount you are being charged.

For instance, I just tried to buy 40 onions and 40 carrots. I was charged the full price for 40 of each, but I only received 4 of each.

Is there any way I can get reimbursed for this?

As you probably know by now from reading the other posts. This is because as you clicked buy, someone else probably bought those. The rest of your money should be in the pick-up box or still on the I’m Buying section as it’s now put them into order mode for when more come in and the price you paid.

No, that isn’t what is happening. What is happening is a bug where when you type 40 in the buy box, the 0 disappears and you only end up receiving 4 items even though it charges you the money for 40. The money is not returned to the wallet or into the pickup window.

The same thing happens with any multiples of 10 so it seems the 0 is the problem.

This happens a lot so I’ve been careful to go back in and retype the number when it drops the 0, but I’ve slipped a few times and lost quite a bit of silver to the void in the process.

Here’s a screenshot..

Bumping this post in hopes of getting a staff response…

Here’s the screenshot, again.


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MadChef.4203


I scanned through this thread and I don’t think anyone has written about this issue yet…

When buying quantities of a single item that are divisible by 10 (10, 20, 30, etc…), the system seems to be dropping the 0 in the quantity amount, but keeping the full amount you are being charged.

For instance, I just tried to buy 40 onions and 40 carrots. I was charged the full price for 40 of each, but I only received 4 of each.

Is there any way I can get reimbursed for this?

As you probably know by now from reading the other posts. This is because as you clicked buy, someone else probably bought those. The rest of your money should be in the pick-up box or still on the I’m Buying section as it’s now put them into order mode for when more come in and the price you paid.

No, that isn’t what is happening. What is happening is a bug where when you type 40 in the buy box, the 0 disappears and you only end up receiving 4 items even though it charges you the money for 40. The money is not returned to the wallet or into the pickup window.

The same thing happens with any multiples of 10 so it seems the 0 is the problem.

This happens a lot so I’ve been careful to go back in and retype the number when it drops the 0, but I’ve slipped a few times and lost quite a bit of silver to the void in the process.

Here’s a screenshot..


(edited by MadChef.4203)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MadChef.4203


I scanned through this thread and I don’t think anyone has written about this issue yet…

When buying quantities of a single item that are divisible by 10 (10, 20, 30, etc…), the system seems to be dropping the 0 in the quantity amount, but keeping the full amount you are being charged.

For instance, I just tried to buy 40 onions and 40 carrots. I was charged the full price for 40 of each, but I only received 4 of each.

Is there any way I can get reimbursed for this?

Chef Bug - Basil Leaves not appearing in discovery window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadChef.4203


Oy, that’s it I guess. Disregard this!


Chef Bug - Basil Leaves not appearing in discovery window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadChef.4203


Topic title says it all. Basil leaves are not showing up in the discovery window for me despite being in my inventory.