Showing Posts For Madvangogh.4169:
Honestly I have read alot of the replys, played every character in GW2 and I must say ..that the Theif is a totally discriminated character: If I swap weapons , or in the case of elementals and engineers swap tools or element… I get the skill sets new, which allows me to actually continue the fight. The Theif however has this ridiculous thing called initiative (who and why thought that up) when its low, there is no use changing weapons to renew a skill…… it’s not useable, the initiative is still too low. Every character I play I can compete easily with a veteren at my level …. the theif I cannot. It is the most frustrating character in the game..and I have given up.. No more thief, it is an utterly useless character. Perhaps one day, a duel…pvp situation 1 on 1 will show the discrimination clearly. Either speed up this ‘initiative’ (it still makes me laugh) or give it heavy armor…. too many early deaths… too many overdrawn fights… too much frustration with an empty initiative tank…I give up