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Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Maeror.8251


I’m on KN myself. I’ll certainly not detract from what our late-night crew can accomplish. However, KN certainly has been building up numbers in the wvw guilds, and is seeing the effects of the added numbers working to better themselves too. (I’ll avoid listing guilds as I’ll no doubt omit one or two that I wouldn’t mean to.) So some measure of our success is also better coordination in the prime-time crews fighting in the field, and some outstanding field commanders.

The KN that exists currently is definitely in a much better place than a year ago (“rank 25 in a field of 24 servers” was the joke) so there’s more to be said then just that the other servers in T7, T8 are doing more poorly on a relative basis these days. But we’re still somewhat underpopulated in terms of cross-map coverage at times, so with our current server numbers, I’ll be surprised we do better than the T6/T7 boundary mark. Anyone out there want to help us keep rising?

What if EotM replaces WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Maeror.8251


Of course it is too early to speak definitively, but the wvw points-per-time graph on Kaineng is much closer to flat since EotM’s release. Our poor server was having a hard enough time mustering people and good commanders during afternoon and primetime to even just karma-train some days, but the past couple days has been a ghostland. One of the online PPT trackers shows we hit 0 now, and continuously hit below a combined total 50 PPT quite often, most of that just camp flips. Previously we were at least able to run closer to 200 around these same time windows. I can see how KN could easily just go EotM as the main way for casual WXP and encounters and just allow the other two servers to care about the other four maps. Only time will tell how things really settle out, of course. Personally, I’ve yet to be impressed with the new map since its too much running to get nowhere, but it beats our current alternative.