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One Vets Feedback On WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


Queues are bad because winning servers are being flooded with free transfers. If you want to get your whole guild in, you should transfer to a low pop server. And who cares about guild xp and such, it’s only been 3 weeks… if you intended to play for at least a year, 3 weeks is nothing.

Play a year? This system has nothing to keep people playing for a year.

One Vets Feedback On WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


1) Exotic gear is obtainable through playing WvW. Karma falls like rain, and this can be used to buy armour from Orr. (All this requires is zoning in to Orr when the temples are under Pact control). Also, badges can be used to buy Exotic weapons. Have no info on Trinkets yet.

2) Size of Map: Different Strokes for Different Folks. ArenaNet clearly wanted a game where the non-hardcore player could quickly find some action in a group context. This is why GW2 has sold 2 million copies, to what, DAoC’s 250k subscriber base.

3) Sameness of Maps. In this area, ArenaNet is veering more towards repeatable battlegrounds than a persistent “realm”. Just a different design choice, no better or worse than DAoC, just different. It does make it more “gamey” than “worldly”, you pays your money and you takes your choice.

4) Queues. Again, this choice on the “gamey” side of things, rather than the “world”. ArenaNet wants a relatively balanced fight for the average player (timezones imbalances aside). So far, the most serious impact of queues is only on the top servers, and huge guilds, wherever they may reside.

5) Players sticking around. How many people actually stuck around in DAoC? As was said above, 250k. GW2 is currently at 2 million sales. We’ll see which game form, WvW or RvR is ultimately successful in the long run.

1. Who cares how fast karma falls, gear is the only thing you are working for in the end.
2. Defending small WvW maps? The entire concept was to be different then SPVP for players who wanted something more open.
3. Defending copy and paste WvW zones? Obviously you will defend anything GW2 or just like to be contrary.
4. Design choice to have people sitting in queue’s for hours?
5. Go play WoW if you base the quality of your game on $$ earned. Daoc is ancient with an out of date engine and combat mechanics, but the overall RvR system is still better then anything currently on the market.

One Vets Feedback On WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


At first during beta the WvW maps felt very large, large enough to lend itself to small scale open field battles. After taking guild groups into the borderlands it’s very obvious that the zones are WAY TOO small. When leading a group I prefer to split off from he main zerg trying to push the action elsewhere in the zones and look for some smaller scale fights but there is really no point. The smallest control points (scout towers I think hey are called) just flip flop back and forth with no real meaning, the smaller towers/forts can be sieged by a small force but the enemy can get to any point on the map very quickly, unless you’re tearing it down with a zerg the chances of getting it down are slim if the enemy is at all competent. All objectives are very close to each other, so unless you are picking off random stragglers running from one objective to another 99% of the fights end up at someone’s front gate. Occasionally you will find a decent fight at a supply camp but those even end up with one team running to their nearest holding. The fix to this game breaking problem is to double, if not triple all the zones, change those little scout flag markers to little tower houses to give them some strategic significance. This would allow for more strategy , for smaller groups to actually make a difference and would allow for some open field action.

All borderlands are copies of each other?? You guys did a great job in the variety and look of all the pve zones, then when it came to your main draw, the feature most people have been clamoring about for years you simply cut and paste the same zone. We all assumed in beta these were placeholder zones and on release the WvW zones would be three unique areas which is how it obviously should be. If someone is looking for uniformity and repetition they have SPVP. The fix for this would be to actually design 4
unique zones which would play out differently.

The WvW queues are simply atrocious, and for guilds who want to actually WvW together it’s game breaking not to mention impossible if you’re looking to get into the EB. As a guild leader we’ve had players queued for 45-1hr trying to get into a particular WvW zones we were focusing on that particular evening. Needless to say that’s silly and due to the queue, jumping from one WvW zones to the other in order to help back up your teammates who might be losing is impossible. Originally imagined as a large WvW area comprised of different battlefronts to fight over has turned into four little Aterac Valley’s.The beauty of Daoc’s RVR system is that you were able to travel around and support your realm against and enemy push or strike deep into the heart of and enemy territory to cut off teleport points which actually contributed to the overall war. This does not currently exist in the GW2 and will never with the current zone design.

I could go on but these seem to be the issues I hear about on a daily bases. I can only hope player feedback is seriously taken into account and acted upon, in it’s current state I can’t see players who have purchased GW2 for the WvW sticking around.

One Vets Feedback On WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


One Vets Feedback On WvW

Having run a guild since EQ1 which has mainly focused on PvP environments, I along with the rest of our guild were very excited over the release of GW2. Obviously GW2 WvW is not open world pvp, but due to similarities with Daoc which is still one of the best pvp centric mmo’s to be release we decided to jump in. Now that a large portion of the guild has hit 80, geared up and is PvPing in WvW we are able to give some feedback on what needs to be tweaked in order for GW2 to grow and sustain a quality player base after the initial newness has worn off.

Gear grind VS Character development.

Once we hit 80 (which is very easy to do in GW2), the only options to further develop your character is through the acquisition of items. Farming items isn’t new, but grinding for gear being the only real activity to in developing your character after max level is a very bad design idea. EQ1 eventually added AA (alternate experience) which allowed you to further develop and customize a character after maxing out which you would earn while farming for gear. Daoc had a great realm point system in which you were able to further enhance your character which you earned while pvping. Both systems allowed you to gradually develop a character while doing what you would normally be doing. Both systems had attainable goals while being taking many hours of play to fully max out, which is the beauty of the design.

WvW Design

One amazing aspect of Daoc RvR was the huge team unity, pride and general feeling of “all for one”, before they allowed players to roll toons on all three realms and cross log, of course. Allowing instant server transfers in GW2 makes this non existent on most servers. Players simply transfer off losing/low pop servers as soon as the status of a top tier server goes from “full” to “high”. Server transfers should be relegated to players going from full pop servers to lower pop servers and for players that were not able to get on the same sever as their guild at the start.

It’s amazing how simple ideas and concepts seem so hard to implement properly. I don’t presume to know anything about the technical end of video game design but creating shields, cloaks (why aren’t they in game again?), robes , etc.. open enough to accommodate a properly sized guild emblem seems pretty basic considering everything else I’ve seen. To top that off, we are charged a gold piece to at this to one piece of armor or weapon, why? You are making it an annoyance to represent your guild for some reason, that is a mystery. What’s even worse is that once you apply the emblem to something the armor can change appearance and in most cases so small it’s not even worth applying. In a game like Daoc which got it right, as time past, guilds could be recognized solely on their emblems and banners which made you feel immersed in the RvR and added more excitement to the whole shebang. The only fix for this I could imagine would be to add cloaks which would display guild emblems that can actually be seen and recognized.


Hacker xfered me off guilds server, can't get back. Please xfer.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


Bump, please xfer back to Jade Quarry.

Hacker xfered me off guilds server, can't get back. Please xfer.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maggnus.3841


Thank you for restoring my account, however the hacker xfer’d me off my guilds server and can’t get back due to it being full.

Please xfer me back to Jade Quarry.

Ticket showing restored account 120909-004016

Thank You