Showing Posts For Magicarp.5640:


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Doing hours of HOT just to get bags filled with bags willed with little bags filled with junk.

huh, is this not bothering anyone?

I mean I don’t want to get like all the precursers in a single DS run but come on, at least a few more rare items or chances at exotic items or even materials will help alot instead of filling 50 slots of my inventory with fine and masterwork gear :\

Last tier of ruby

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


The report button doesn’t do kitten . even if you block them there’s still a chance you’ll be teamed up with them in the next match.

This is the beauty of Anets PVP systems.


you gotta love those who DC

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


team mate DC. lose = lose 3 pips

team mate DC. win = lose 1pip

What the actual f#$K ???

Legendary SoloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Need more statistics, gonna burst his bubble hard. thanks all

Legendary SoloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Hi guys, recently I met this guy who is legendary saying that he got from ruby to legendary in a week soloq without ever partying with anyone , and he says hes a student so he doesn’t have a lot of time to play.

What I want to ask is:

1. Is it possible to reach legenday from ruby within a week by soloq?

2. How long does it take the average Esports player to reach legendary Soloq.

I just want to burst his bubble of lies if he’s lying.

Thanks all.

As a person who doesn't play warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Yes, I know 50 matches in PVP really isn’t comparable to you guys that main it, I already said as a player who doesn’t play warrior you guys are playing a really bad profession for the current META, and it needs a buff from my point of view as a player, but if you cannot acknowledge that a person is trying to speak out for you warrior to get buffs by A-net then so be it.

As a person who doesn't play warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


TBO I really do feel sorry for you guys that main warrior. At first I was like “come on, it can’t be that bad” , so I went and created a warrior for myself, looked at a few guides and vids for builds and play style then went into PVP for some unranked fun.

But Holy S@#T is warrior useless, in 1 vs 1 i could win about 70% of them, but in team matches you are pretty useless…the blinds, the dazes,the slows,the AOE stuns… and I feel sorry for those who main warriors because you have a lot of love for them in their current state, I just deleted my warrior after aound 50 ish PVP matches.

Just another proof that A-net doesn’t play its own game. I’d rather have a thief on my team instead of a warrior, at least the thief can help group stealth.

Anyway I wish all those who still carry on the spirit of the warrior, wish you all good luck and hope..actually why hope when A-net doesn’t give a fuq about warrior.

Getting Bored.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


I don’t know if its just me or this “expansion” is getting really boring.

Every day its the same routine:

Save Tarir , Kill Mordy the wooden Mushu , Try and do a TD and hope it doesn’t fail.

And the rewards are just… not worth the time.(TBO they just give a bunch of junk, what am I supposed to do with lvl 80 masterpiece and fine equipment? ) The only thing valuable that drops from Pods are Crystaline ores, but once you’ve gotten your professions collectable item they just stock pile up in your bank.


Every raid team has regular members, I’m with a casual PVE guild and we still have a hard time doing it( In fact we haven beaten it yet, we’ve practically given up on it), we have to be nice and friendly to our members that want to do it on one hand but we have to consider the timer & Dps on the other, its so frustrating

fractals and Dungeons:

Well, If Anet wants to neglect dungeons they should just remove them from the game.

And Fractals….I’ve opened over 2500 encrypted boxes and I can tell you they should just re-name them encrypted garbage cans.

MP for Tyria should be more easily obtainable, perhaps a few strong boxes here and there ?

Any way gonna go search for a new game to play until they find a solution to “Fix” what they have done.

Why assume you need progress in tiers

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


So what you’re saying is that 5 casual pvp players have to go against PVP guilds or premade matches and then saying its their fault for not trying to improve when they lose?

You're gonna fail miserably at E-sports Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


And if Anet would actually think before releasing something I wouldn’t be here posting.

Unfair matchmaking and teams abusing it

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Tbh the Anet devs dont give a ____ about what we think, they’re just sitting in their little “E-sports” fantasy world hoping that it will catch a trend like lol or dota.

But the truth is Anet is hammering its own foot with a brick.

You're gonna fail miserably at E-sports Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Never have I played a game with such bs systems and where soloqers have their dignities stompled upon by premade matches.

Where you’re just 1 pip away from the next tier and the match making systems gives you moron teammates that dont know what to do at what time even when you tell them.

Where the classes are so un-balanced the team that has the most AOE stun/dmg skills has won the game before it evens starts.

Disgusting Map set ups that practically the better team can end a match in 5 min with the score 0 – 500

Professional players exploiting the MMR system with no penalties what so ever.

Duo-Q or party ups for PVP have no restrictions what so ever, therefore punishing those who soloQ

Anet if you continue to only care for the 5% of players and ignore the rest of the 95%, you’re gonna have a dead game.

You can start off a day at T1 and 10 hours later you’re still on T1.
Give a cookie to who ever designed this system.

How to advance in league matches ?

in PvP

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Hey guys I wanna ask those who have just made it to emerald that are aiming to climb the ladder.

I’m still stuck on emerald T1 and have been having win 1 lose 1 matches for over 3 days now with well over 250+ matches.

how do you climb the ladder with this system?

oh and is it normal for me to like sometimes loose 10 matches in a row and then maybe able to get 2 wins and after that the loosing matches start up again?

P.S. I’m a soloQer

(edited by Magicarp.5640)

Elementalist needs a buff, or several.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Magicarp.5640


Yea, buff a profession that can basically ignore all damage and still have tons of damage output.

Why not just delete all the other professions and just keep ele?

re-name it : ele wars 2