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Bug cliffside fractal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


Can confirm, and if you reset it by all dying he just starts spawning infinite mobs.

That would explain the unbelievable amount of adds when we managed to reset him. Im staying away from Fractals for now.

Bug cliffside fractal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


I am currently on the Legendary Archdiviner at the top of the Cliff fractal. When he drops the hammer, no adds spawn and the boss stays invuln indefinately. This has esesntially broken the Cliff fractal, and in turn made it a gamble to do ANY FotM run. If this particular fractal comes up, you can not complete the run.

edit-it seems the hammer vanishes after a period of time also.


(edited by Mahrroh.5183)

better colour + overall graphic - FXAA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


Well, I am still having an issue getting this to work. I can not even get the standard SMAA injector to work. I know all I have to do is simply place the files into the GW2 directory, then run the program as admin. When doing so, I can change settings to sepia and see no difference upon refreshing the mod.

Really frustrating to have it not work, for no real apparent reason. I can even run the game without admin with the items placed in there, and it does not crash. It is not even attempting to load the injector =[

Question about Power Vs Condition on Phantasm Builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


No problem! I know this class can be overwhelming, what with the various abilities we have and dependent we are on combos and synergy. I would know nothing without the help of others[and then experimenting with dying a lot], so in turn I will do my part as well.

Question about Power Vs Condition on Phantasm Builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


Well, I can not claim to be the mecca of experience, but considering all I really do is Wv3, I get to really use and test different builds due to the multitude of different targets and types of targets.

When going for a power build, the more power you get the harder your Phantasms hit as well. While there are many variations out there as to what weapons to hold, having Sword/Pistol or Sword with Staff or GS are the most common. iSwordsman from the oh Sword hits harder than the iDuelest, while iDuelest stacks bleed conditions pretty quickly. While on the GS iBeserker hits pretty well, and cripples or you go staff and put our an iWarlock who hits like a truck even with minimal conditions but power stacked. So yes, the damage from the phantasms is better than the condition damage if you stack power. The majority of damage here comes from the phantasms themselves, so stacking power and crit allows them to hit harder, and crit more often.

Now on a Cond build, you tend to stack well…cond damage. One of the better setups for a condition build is x/pistol with Staff. In this build you pop iDuelest and if you are good with switching quickly to the staff and throwing down CS you can get confusion stacks ontop of bleed[or use feedback really quick for the same effect]. With the staff you generally then pop out clones rather than the iWarlock as they cast WoC and keep conditions up.[you can also then have them use CoF when the CDs are just about up]. In this the clones/phantasms help keep up the conditions, which is where your damage comes from. Also, it isn’t wrong to use the iWarlock, if you are trying to get a nice shot in while they are low on health, but generally…you are leaving yourself with one less source of conditions when you do this.[though sometimes ill summon it close to clone CD, so it gets off a shot or two then is part of the CoF rush]

As far as stacking only crit? Erm…I can’t really see that being the best way to go. While you could easily live without stacking crit[which may make things a little more difficult] I can not see stacking ONLY crit.

Below though, I’ve posted some sample builds for Power and Condition

Sample Power:;TMArMGRMhA
You can honestly play with the sigils as you want, or switch the second sword for the pistol OH if you so desire. Mostly get gear that stacks Power/Percision, but do not forget to get toughness and vit as…well…squishy. That’s why I chose two escape spells, because if they get on you you need to move away, and let your phantasms womp them. Also, I feel that a lot of the abilities in the power line need to be reworked, as going deep into it yields minimal results at the cost of better abilities in the other lines. Again, this is just what I have used and I am sure there are more variations out there. Again, the staff can have the GS, but you want one of the two as Berserker and Warlock are pretty powerful.

Sample Condition build.;TMArSGLMDA
This is a more tanky sorta condition build. You can easily change around some of the tiered skills to give you improved defense, move faster and whatnot if you are not using a glamour build. Same can be said about your additional abilities. I just like feedback as it is extremely useful, and a combo field, helping you to throw some confusion up. You can swap the Scepter for the sword if you so feel like it, but this build doesnt do much up close. The focus can work instead of the pistol in some situations also. Especially when there is a lot going on, you can use 4,4,5 and essentially pull a group into an angry, bleed giving, warden. I try to stack what gives me condition damage in terms of runes, or perhaps something like Lyssa which extends the duration. Personal preference really. Also, it doesnt hurt to have a few pieces on you that bump your vit and toughness even further, as the dmg in this build has a ramp up and you need to make sure you survive the initial burst of what comes at you.

Hope this helps.

(edited by Mahrroh.5183)

mesmer portals need an indicator to where they are to enemy players.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


So you want an ability with a long CD, that has to be placed in two areas, by a single character, without dying, to essentially move a group in a straight line.

Sound idea there.

Is this an exploit/cheesy tactic/ unfair? You decide!

in WvW

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


5.You can’t talk to other servers via /s /m or /t in wv3.

He’s talking about using the free server transfers to go to a server your’re competing against, enter their WvW and confuse them in map chat.

Well…I’d call that more cheesey than anything. Seems like an awful waste of time to transfer OFF your server, to another for the possibility of harassing players, all the while not being able to really directly contribute to any sort of effort by your home server.

Is this an exploit/cheesy tactic/ unfair? You decide!

in WvW

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


1.I guess, but given how many mats that would take to endlessly keep up, seems more like a waste for who ever is doing it(at least to me)
2.Had no clue about that. Can’t really comment.
3.It sucks, but there are other abilities that I recall can do similar things. It’s splash damage unfortunately, and its up to anet to fix it.
4.Erm…I don’t recall this happening that much, but if so…is it no different than popping a feedback bubble around an arrow cart?
5.You can’t talk to other servers via /s /m or /t in wv3.


in WvW

Posted by: Mahrroh.5183


They can not add more waypoints. It would break WvW to have them in abundance and possibly even to have them at all.

There must be a benefit to killing a player. Your team makes some headway in the battle because your opponent’s numbers have decreased. You cancel all of this by putting waypoints to allow an instant resurrection of the player or reaction to an attack.

No attrition = no progress

I fully agree. There has to be a penalty for dying, and a long run time back is just it. Now I get that people can find it frustrating to assault a keep that is far from your spawn…but you are essentially going into the enemy territory. You cannot have a WP that allows you to go right into their territory as it would make it fairly difficult for that side to retake control on their points.