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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maikahn.7108


I had been so excited about the new content since the Halloween event ended, but now all I feel is dread.
Whether the new tier of gear is all available at once, or it is trickle fed into the game alongside new content, it still goes against what was promised in the lead up to release.
This thread shows that even people who never post in the forums, like myself, are going out of their way to tell you this is not what they want. Instead of repeating that this is “not a gear treadmill”, try listening to your customers.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maikahn.7108


I’ve been trying to think of the right thing to post to express how betrayed I feel by these changes, but after 112 pages without an official response, I doubt it’s worth it. Regardless, I’ll add my voice to the many people who do not want these new gear changes to be implemented.
I’ve stood by all of the bad decisions and problems within Guild Wars 2 (skins in lockboxes a prime example, not to mention bad experiences with customer support) but this one I cannot just shrug off and continue to sink my time into the game knowing that what I’ve grown fond of will soon be tainted.