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Hey Developers, Employees and Guild Wars 2 Fans,
first of all: I appreciate that you made this discussion possible, so everyone could tell you what they don´t like and maybe give some solutions of fixing the game. Apparently it is broken right now… broken in the way of keeping players interested!
I, myself, quit the game once for over 3 months. Right after the “Molten Alliance” appeared. Occasionally, I played and checked out the Aether Pirates!
… All of this “every two weeks new content” seems legit and pretty cool to read and hear. But you lost something … something this game is based on, out of sight! …
I just want to say – alot of people might know what I´m going to say now – that I know that everything will come to a point where the puzzle will be complete.
[Agressive Mode: ON]
Dragons awakened, we already killed one of them. And he ain´t the only one waking up. So why aren´t the others posing a threat to the world. It seems that Scarlet or the kittening Aetherblade Pirates are more of a threat than some Dragons awakening in the Oceans, the Jungles or the Mountains.
Remeber what is part of your Logo. IT´S A DRAGON if you can´t see it. The 2 of GUILD WARS 2 is a DRAGON!…
So focus on that. I don´t want to chase a lunatic. I don´t wan´t to grind her minions attacking any map in the world!
I want to know why the dragons are waiting! … Why aren´t they attacking. Aren´t dragons – atleast a little – bound to each other? … Don´t they feel that Zhaitan was killed?
[Agressive Mode: OFF]
To put it all in a nutshell, stop creating bullkitten grinding content. Stop creating new characters, like scarlet – which just threaten a race or a town. THERE are DRAGONS and everyone knows it!
Well… the obvious thing: Throwing in tones of weapons (for the fourth time I guess) and he didn´t even reward me with “The Lover” -_-
Bawhahahahah… you hear me laughing?
Topic questiones it! :’(
Well…! Nothing worked there… ! First of all I was able to port to the next waypoint. After about 1,5 h, I heard everything but there was still a loading screen which lead me to relogg. Everything was fine.
After 2,5 hours… I got disconnected and couldn´t get back in. Pretty frustrating!