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Transmutation stone use gets punished

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maklin.9301


With that at the end of his post it turns his whole post into a complaint about how Anet is trying to punish people and force them to the store. Combine that with his signature saying Anet lied, and how is a person supposed to take the post?

Apparently, like a rabid Phase II fanboy. (Phase I fanboys attack the user directly to defend the blessed devs/company. Phase II is after the devs have a long list of fumbles and its harder to blame other players directly, they start attacking COMPLAINTS as the ultimate EVIL in the game).

The OP has far more of a point, than you ever will Ualtar. There is NO warning that this will happen. Transmuting objects for the other 79 levels have no similar issues. And we won’t even go into the potential hours lost having to do a ‘grind over’ here in Grind Wars 2.

This is either (yet another) bug…which I doubt, or a rather thinly veiled attempt to steer the player to the cash shop in the form of a bug they decided NOT to fix or warn us about due to a monetary advantage to them. For the devs, this is one of those ‘gems from heaven’ bugs….they get to save time by not fixing it, they MAKE money when you have to replace the stone….its just the poor sap of a player that gets stuck with the gift of more grind.

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maklin.9301


Iam constantly asking people to team with me when I’m levelin up in areas and doing hearts etc…. only like 1 in 10 people wants too… but why??

It is soo much faster and easier to level up when ur in team instead of going at it alone. Also much more fun imo. Why so many lone-players?

Several reasons, actually….

1) I work around people all day. When I manage enough free time for a game, I want to be ALONE unless I am with a friend from outside of the game, then I will team, usually duo-only.
2) EVERYONE immediately starts sending URLS for voice chat. If I do not know you, odds are I will not go voice with you. I’ve never liked listening to people eat / sneeze / yell at kids-pets-SO / background TV … and that is Voice Chat in its purest form.
3) Not at all interested in small-talk, which the other person ALWAYS wants to do.
4) Downtime. Grouping is a steady stream of downtime….bathroom breaks, food breaks, phone calls, AFK, etc.

I tend to quietly skip group-required content / raiding, so I play most games until the ‘endgame uber alles’ mindset kicks in, then I go find another game to play until it too succumbs to the end game group-based loot treadmill.

ETA of the event / upcoming fix

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Maklin.9301


True ! The worst thing in this story is they wanted to make a buzz with this event to get a bigger player base, but for now ….. I dont think its gonna help them a lot.

And where is it most likely that those new players would go for info? Maybe the place the downloaded the game, the GW2 website springs to mind. So where do the devs post their communications? crickets chirping in the silence on No, they posted on EgoBook, er Facebook, and Twitter hours ago (the boilerplate ‘we know, working on it, no eta’) Apparently, Anet Logic is that EVERYONE in the known universe has those and checks them BEFORE the official site… /sarcasm off

Very bad communications.

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Maklin.9301


We know that this is a topic that’s going to be heavily discussed, and we definitely want as much of your feedback as possible, both positive and negative (so long as it remains constructive and within the guidelines of the rules of conduct). However I would just like to point out that this:

“…fact that it’s the highest concurrence time…”

is contradictory to this:

“why not choose a time where there’s a higher chance for people to choose to attend?”

The reason we chose the times that we did, when concurrency is at its peak, is precisely because it offers us the highest chance for the largest number of people to attend. By definition though, because concurrency rises and falls, that means it’s impossible for us to choose a time that offers us a chance for everyone to attend.

Offering events like this at multiple times for different time zones is certainly worth considering, but given our team’s goals and the timeline we had to operate in (we fielded our team immediately after shipping the Live game), it just wasn’t feasible for us to consider such an option for this particular event.

Having said that, this decision is something that we realized would not make everyone happy. Keep in mind that there is a tremendous lineup of content to choose from during the weekend and after, with both the island and the Fractals dungeon remaining active, and we will continue to listen to both criticisms and compliments about these special events in order to continually improve your playing experience.

Forgive me for doubting you, but it seems REALLY odd that highest concurrence happens when the North American residents are at work/school and Asia-pacific residents are in bed. Honestly, since Anet is PST it sounds more like it is a case of ’let’s hold the event at noon OUR TIME for OUR convenience….then we don’t have to come in at odd hours and if anything goes south we can fix it and still go home at 5pm’. Side Note: AND if that is the case, you sure didn’t use the time in office well, since EVERY QUEST NPC in the first investigate chain is dead and not respawning on my server (and I hear most all of them) as of 10:43pm Eastern.

Please, sir….tell me where all these 12pm PST peak players are from, if not the US and Asia-Pacific? Europe somehow outnumbers the rest of the planet in GW2 players? Most GW2 players are dropouts and unemployed north americans and Asian insomniacs?

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maklin.9301


We’re talking about the halloween event here. You didn’t have to do the jump puzzle to access any of the halloween events or mini games. So your statement is pretty invalid.

In regards to your complaint about map completion, no one is making you complete the map. There are several other things for you to do in the game. Most people complete the map to get legendaries. Most people that get legendaries are dedicated to the game.

Jump puzzles are learned. ANYONE can learn to do them, given enough time and training. That’s like saying there are some people that can’t work at burger king.

Actually, I have met a LOT of people that could not work at Burger King over the years. I’d love to live in the alternate reality you inhabit….where anyone can learn anything (i.e. physical limitations have no effect) just by wanting to hard enough, or practicing hard enough. But unfortunately, that is not the way reality works. Some folks cannot complete certain tasks, period. And Anet can either cater to you ’don’t change anything — make it harder!’ hardcores and alienate others or make accomodations for casuals and find a happy medium (that perhaps does not satisfy both). Which do you think is in their long-term best interest?

You fall back on the same old, tired, ‘no one is making you’ whine of a fanboy with no real answer. If there were NO rewards for doing it, no titles, sure no one would be making you and it would be another thing to ignore. If there were alternate methods of completion, no one would be making you….but they stick decent rewards and titles behind the One True Way of Platforming and then claim you have a choice. You can choose to breathe or not breathe too, one isn’t very fun, but then again most false choices (like we are presented ingame) are not real choices.

And btw, the elitism of your statement ‘dedicated to the game’ is amusing….we’re all dedicated to the tune of $60+ (version dependent) plus whatever we spent / are spending in the gem shop…no more no less. Since there is no subscription fee, your voice (while more strident and confrontational in posts here) is no more important than mine or any other player. Those that don’t fanboy to ANET and fawn over devs like Mr. Foreman have the same rights to post here as you do. You don’t get a gold star and special status for dedication…that is irrelevant to any discussion.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maklin.9301


Whenever I am asked about the quality of this Halloween event, the FIRST thing that comes to mind is the horrid clock tower. It completely overshadows the other aspects of the event, which were actually fun.

So from now on, when I see an announcement for a new “fun” holiday event, my first thought will be “oh crap, I hope there isn’t another clock tower fiasco like that Halloween event”.

I’m sorry you feel that way. If you hate sports and you go to the mall, is the first thing on your mind the horrid sports store? When people ask you about the mall, instead of mentioning the delicious pretzels, do you instead think of the sports store?

If they build a new mall down the road do you say to your friends “God, I hope they don’t put in another sports store. I just can’t have fun in a mall with all the different stores if they have a sports store there.”

Stop thinking like that, please. You had many other fun things to do for halloween, and just because you didn’t like one of the events doesn’t mean everyone hated them. The more negative comments like this, the more likely it is that I get to see less of the things I enjoy.

I didn’t like reapers rumble. I hated it honestly. But I’m not complaining about it. I know other people enjoyed it, and although I thought it was crap, there were plenty of other things to keep me entertained. I had a blast with the survivor mini game, and the clocktower. So please, be grateful for what you got. It’s not every day that you come across an MMO willing to dedicate so much to just a holiday event, and I don’t want to see each one met with nothing but negativity. I really enjoyed the clocktower, but I wouldn’t even say it overshadowed the other events. I see them all as a whole, and as a whole it was an amazing month. I had a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Your analogy is flawed. Mr. Foreman and company have bolted these miserable jump puzzles onto EVERYTHING without a way to avoid them, other than just skipping the area/event. To use your sports store analogy, GW2 is like going to the mall but only being allowed in if you go into every sports store there first. They are roadblocks to access rather than complementary content in that there are no alternatives to it….

Want the Exploration achievement, gotta do jump puzzles. Want to take part in an entire act of the Halloween event, more jump puzzles. I don’t begrudge the twitch-monkies their arcade fix, its the UNAVOIDABLE and NO ALTERNATIVE setup. I have no problem with the chest jump puzzles like Caledon Forest, but resent the KITTEN out of the ones to get to POI’s, some skill challenges and events….because they have no alternative method of completion for the non-arcade players.

Mr. Foreman and other ‘I love jump puzzles!’ players / devs need to remember that ALL ages and ALL physical status players play the game….not just young twitch gamers. Some gamers CANNOT do the jump content…no amount of trying over, no amout of ‘other places in the game to learn to do jump puzzles’ (I paraphrase another user here) will enable them to do the jump puzzles. An alternative method of completion or keeping the jumping puzzles as stand alones that can be skipped without losing titles or skipping entire acts of events is all I and others are asking for.

And thank you, Mr. Foreman, for displaying the ability to see the issue from different points of view. Devs in most games go silent at criticism and post only to the echo chamber of fanboy praise. A balanced approach is a welcome sight

Anyone else basically pass on the event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maklin.9301


Never could find the desire to run around in circles getting irritated like half the forum folks. About all I did was mow down 150 candy corn to get ill after opening 20 BLC and seeing nothing.

Anyone else take a pass?

No, I wanted to give Anet the benefit of the doubt, so I tried everything but the PvP and Jumping puzzles (I do not enjoy either of those in any game). But after trying the remainder of the events and seeing the frustrating nature of the events, the crappy rewards vs time spent, the miniscule drop rates for event-related items (got to preserve that artificial scarcity so TP moguls can flip them), I plan to give all future events a miss… NOT worth the time spent or the frustration generated, IMO.

Why are people complaining about the Mad King rewards?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maklin.9301


To play devils advocate, what game had an event where you could get an item from it worth the equivilant of 30 GW2 gold? Most of WoWs stuff was garbage….so garbage rewards for all? Or make it so common its 6 silver on the TP?

You left out a third option, make that 30 GW2 Gold item ACCOUNT BOUND, reducing its value on the TP to 0…then it really doesn’t matter how many there are.

It seems Anet forgets the TP is more a form of metagaming (Game within a game), rather than the purpose of the game itself and everything gets warped around the desires of the mini-moguls to make money on the holy TP…so Anet trots out the RNG and sets the chances microscopically low, turning it into a random chance crapshoot. Fun for the mini-moguls, and those with free time to run the event dozens of times….not so fun for those that want a souvenier they can use, not sell.

Anet needs to stop creating artificial scarcity of event items just to please the people who want to profit off the event. I’d just like a reward commensurate with the effort, that I could use on one of my characters. I am not looking to corner the TP*, so doesn’t matter to me if its 30GP, 6SP or 0 (Account bound).

  • I do not even USE the TP, other than for puchases. If I find something decent I cannot use, I check my alts, then I give it to friends who can use it and they do the same (I got my exotic rifle that way).

(edited by Maklin.9301)

Mad King's Costume jokes audio poor quality.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maklin.9301


The sound’s coming out of a cheap speaker.

They should not have went with those cheap, Asuran import speakers. You only get REAL quality from Charr designs.

(sorry, could not resist)

AoE Targetting Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maklin.9301


Have to agree with Gryphon. I’d prefer AOE’s to work like GW1 as an OPTION. Playing an engineer….I HAVE NO OPTION. If I want to do any kind of real damage, I HAVE to use a kit…and they are all mostly AOE mouse aim. I am to the point I loathe playing the engineer due to mouse aim.

One poster said they’d have to rewrite every AOE spell….not true, the engineer grenade kit uses GW1 single targeting underwater…so the code is already there. All they would need to add is the code to make it a toggleable option.

Another said you’d be guaranteed a hit….underwater with a grenade kit my engineer gets MULTIPLE guaraneed hits. It hardly unbalances anything, so another non-issue. Most the opposition to Gryphon’s idea is best translated as ‘I like mouse targeting, so don’t give others choice…they should like it too!’ rather than any legitimate reasoning.

I attribute the mouse targeting and other glaringly out of place elements to the GW2 devs, IMO, suffer from a lack consistency in direction of the game (except for lore, the lore is well-thought out). Is it a quest game (personal story) or a dynamic event game? Is it an arcade game (mouse targeted AOE’s, Vistas and jump puzzles) or a more traditional controlled MMO? Is it a PvP or a PvE game (with forced PvP in exploration)?

Are you still going to play this in 3 months?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.9301


Probably not. Already at the point of uninstalling. Great game, wish to heck they’d decide if they want to be an MMO or a jump-n-run platformer (Views and some POI’s). I do not have the physical ability for platformers due to an imparement, and am really HAPPY to discover every map completion has some sucktastic jump from tiny little platform to tiny little platform. Combine that with the screwball camera zooming randomly in and out if anything gets close with the Charr’s HUGE size blocking views and its a prescription for intense frustration for non-arcade players.

Great game, really schizophrenic implementation…its like since they got the Z dimension that GW1 didn’t have, the devs couldn’t wait to make ‘Super Mario meets Tyria’ with it.