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Adjustable Camera Pivot Height

in Suggestions

Posted by: Makovorn.1706


I would like to put forward a suggestion to the developers for an adjustable camera height – specifically, to allow us to adjust the vertical center point (or pivot) of the camera.

During the beta world events, ArenaNet came up with a very good idea to allow us control over the camera position on the horizontal plane. This, along with the recent field-of-view calculation fix, went a long way to help us play more comfortably and to help us appreciate the amazing environmental art in Guild Wars 2.

Unfortunately, there is still the issue of the camera pivot being too low to the ground. For the asura, this creates the problem of the camera colliding with the ground when you’re trying to look upwards.

The other races also suffers quite a bit, because when you zoom inward, instead of the camera pivot lining up with your character’s eye-line, it seems to line up with your character’s waist. For the norn, this creates a problem for people choosing a bigger body build. For the other races, this causes the camera to be too centralized when zoomed out, and because of the lowness of the pivot, it makes forwards and upwards observation very uncomfortable. When zooming in, your character gets in the way of your view.

I’ve attached some screenies:

  • Pic 1: Here you can see the problem for humans (similarly, the sylvari and asura). When zoomed out, the centralization of your character makes it very hard to manoeuvre the view in such a way so that the action doesn’t disappear off the top of your screen, especially if you play ranged. Most of the time, the action seems to take place underneath the enemy health bar & indicators – it’s worse if the ground you’re standing on is slanting upwards or downwards. It feels very uncomfortable.
  • Pic 2: Here you can see what happens when you do try to get all the action in view – notice how the camera basically sits right on the ground when trying to view forward. It makes ground targeting next to impossible. In WvW, this is especially bad. Ever noticed how hard it is to look upwards to enemies on keep walls? If you do look up, it’s not from your character’s eye-line, but rather your character’s feet!

It’s not all bad though. Strangely enough, ArenaNet has already provided a limited solution for the camera-height problem. I’ve used this pic before in the beta FoV thread:

  • Pic 3: Here you can clearly see the difference between camera-heights for different races. The forward view of the the female norn in the middle looks great, because I’ve taken advantage of the default camera pivot height assigned to the norn/charr races, but chosen the shortest possible height for the character. This gives you the much sought-after, over-the-head type view you see in the majority of modern MMO’s and other titles using a 3rd person camera.

Understandably, one cannot go over-board with the camera-height, as there are other world-design aspects to take into consideration as well. However, introducing a vertical camera height slider in the options, alongside the horizontal one we have at the moment, and giving us the option to go slightly higher with the pivot than it is now, will go a long way in making the play experience more comfortable.


(edited by Makovorn.1706)