Showing Posts For Maldracai.2698:
Six months later and still no open side doors? Gotta love the Reds coming along with “Promises” to settle the masses.
I actually considered this, I also thought it was quite reminiscent of the Goonies when you enter the cave and see the ship.
I also noticed a large “gate”, like the one at the entrance to the cave before the stone puzzle, only much larger. Maybe the water in the cave was much deeper at one point allowing the ship up to the gates height?
All right, I’ll make this brief. I am curious about the ship in the Fawcett’s Bounty jumping puzzle. We already know Fawcett himself spawns randomly near the Cloven Hoof Waypoint in the centaur camps (for whatever reason >.>), but what I really, really wanna know… is how in the name of the Six Gods, the Spirits of the Wild and the Eternal Alchemy he got that kitten ed ship into that cave?!
And would there be any way of getting it out, hypothetically?
I don’t really spend much on the gem store (for financial reasons AND there’s little there that interests me at the moment), but this…. THIS I would pay for.
I see they conveniently left out the invisible wall they erected around the un-instanced Salma District. Nice going Anet.
Bump you piece of…
So, the point of this is to ask / suggest / request one simple thing.
That the Guild Vault Transport (Big Dolyak), the Black Lion Trader Express (NPC vendor) and other such things that we can summon to us (excluding flags) have the ability to -FOLLOW- the person who summoned them. It’s not importand to the overall requirement of the game I know, but when I summoned that Vault Transport for the first time and saw the big Dolyak standing there, my reaction was –, followed by – .
Anyway, disappointment followed - when I discovered that it. Just. Stood there. It stands there for ten minutes. Looking pretty and Dolyak-y, just like the other things we summon which just stand there looking NPC-y. Am I the only one who would like to travel through the Shiverpeaks and have a big Dolyak follow them about, even if just for ten minutes? (50 guild points and a five hour wait for ten minutes is a bit steep, if you ask me).
Thoughts? Suggestions? Agree? Disagree? Lemmie know!
Oh! And here he is in all his glory <3
(edited by Maldracai.2698)
i really woudlnt care about the clipping its not a major issue to me unless its something overkill like going straight through my character but yeah i also miss capes.. i want the norn t3 just because it has things that resemble a cape..
Ya i know right? Since the game has tons of clipping in so many other places, why remove something so sweet that no one would care if it clipped.
Was about to say the same thing myself. There’s already a crapload of clipping issues with coats, armour, weapons… pretty much everything that isn’t part of your ‘nude’ form.