Showing Posts For Malikai X.6279:

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Malikai X.6279

Malikai X.6279

My norn mesmer. Until the raven shaman set gets released I’m pretty happy with what I got. Nothing too special, just the winged hood and feathered everything else.


Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Malikai X.6279

Malikai X.6279

Sounds like a norn who could give MacGuyver a run for his money.

I went with Sagani Sagiri as the name for my Raven revering Mesmer.
Saghani = Inuit name that means “Raven”
Sagiri = Japanese word for “haze”

Although using two languages in a name seems strange I thought it had a nice ring to it.