Showing Posts For Malthraz.7105:

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Malthraz.7105


I appear to have suffered from deleting my Rytlock as well as my Chalice of Glory. I used the Tome of Influence already, so I’m not concerned with that.

Would it be possible to get the other two items replaced? If the Chalice can’t be because you can’t confirm my deleted character didn’t use it, that’s fine with me, but I would like my poor little Rytlock back!

Should I submit a ticket or is posting here sufficient? Don’t want to add another to the flood if I don’t have to lol

(edited by Malthraz.7105)

Linking Issues/Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Malthraz.7105


Same issue as everyone else here. Incident: 120904-011505 wharrgarbl haven’t been able to play since Sunday lol. Here’s hoping we can all get back in soon!