Showing Posts For MarkDB.6187:

Is there a viable turret build for engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: MarkDB.6187


I love the thumper turret for PvE – it’s tough enough to stand some punishment, it grabs aggro nearly as well as a ranger pet, and the overcharge knockdown effect can be very handy.

In a defensive DE I typically drop a thumper at a choke point and a rocket turret behind the lines for fire support, and then hit groups with Radiation Field if the thumper manages to get them clustered. Supply Crate makes a great backup for when things get sticky.

Does Grouping Share XP, Loot and DE Tags?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MarkDB.6187


One thing worth bearing in mind is that, the way the game is set up, it doesn’t fundamentally matter if you out-level her – or vice versa. So long as you stay in areas appropriate to whichever of you is lowest level, the higher-level character will be automatically down-rated to a level appropriate for the area.

Dynamic Events & Holidays

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MarkDB.6187


I liked the little Meatoberfest event that’s going on in one of the Charr villages. Maybe in October they could take it Realm-wide.