I really do not understand why so many people here think it’s a bad thing to compare a game to WoW, or any other game for that matter. Sure, GW2 is not WoW, and of course we shouldn’t implement something just because it’s in WoW. But on the other hand, we shouldn’t not implement something just because it’s in WoW, simply for the sake of trying to be different.
I have yet to see a good argument against implementing raids. If it’s because of limited resources, incompatible coding, and all that, fine. But to say that it cheapens the experience of regular dungeons or that it simply makes the game another WoW clone doesn’t make sense at all. If you don’t like raids, then it’s very simple: treat it as yet another optional content, and don’t do it. Many people here (myself included) feel that GW2 does not have enough to do at endgame. Raids will be a great addition that have proven very popular in a lot of other MMOs. What’s wrong with suggesting something that we believe will improve an otherwise rather stale endgame?