Showing Posts For Masakari.8306:
totally agree with the pvp side getting boring more and more. Most of the people i knew which are normally quite hardcore in this area, have already left the game or are simply “waiting it out”. No ranking/ladder leaves u just playing the same mode/maps all the evening w/o any sign of progression making it even more tedious and boring than it should.
In other games i would actually play even w/o the team and have fun in the modes provided. Here, playing random bgs is the least fun one can have.
combined glory gained by your team/5 = every1 from the team gets the same,
as they have all contributed to the win.
The problem is randoms will play paid tournaments, because they provide better rewards as stated and even if they loose they get a chest. Ppl always go for better rewards, so as long as they have the tickets they will be playing them, not much will change.