Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
Showing Posts For Matticus.4807:
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
The writing of the character is so simplistic and borderline stupid that it sounds like it was written by a 13 year old aping something else he’d read. Apparently ArenaNet dont care about providing decent writing, and thats the most irritating thing for me.
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
My suggestion to make the ending better would be to make reference to other players. Instead of having one central airship, why not have the NPC’s tell you that there are other’s attacking him and that there are other “heroes” doing what you’re doing? By just adding in a few more ship cannons hitting Zhaitan, the ending would become infinitely more believable/epic.
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
You might be interested to read about something called “Ludonarrative Dissonance”, which this game so far is massively guilty of
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
My main problem with Trahearne (as well as a lot of the already covered ones) was just that he was really boring. The orders had far more interesting characters (Tybalt <3) and Destiny’s Edge had a much better dynamic going which should have been resolved through the story rather than the dungeons. Trahearne has no depth, no apparent interesting backstory or accomplishments besides being a scholar (of which we already have an entire order of, who are also warriors). When he became commander I double took: why take the most boring character, who also apparently has very few qualifications as a military commander, an push him to the forefront, when you already have 5 prominent military people from each race who could fill that rule far better?
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
Simin is a bit of a joke now, last night a member of our group crashed and couldnt get in again because the patch changed his game version, and we still 4 manned it despite not being a dps focused group :/
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
Just defended bay (gandara) against [PX], [FURY] and [UNTY] for about 4 hours. First they got through south outer gate and tried to set up catas there, but we countertrebbed those catas, but then they set up trebs at bluevale. We couldn’t do much about that, so they took down inner bay and they got into our lord’s room. Then we had an epic fight and eventually we wiped them. After that it looks like the auroras got bored and left our borderlands.
Thanks for this epic fight [PX], [FURY] and [UNTY].
This was awesome We at [UNTY] left to prepare for another event later on but there were some epic fights
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
To those getting on us for nightcapping: my experience of our evening events has been us seeking out fights, not attempting to roll maps. Apologies for our different schedules but I’m sure i speak for most of unity when I say that we’ve had some great evening fights, and we try not to roll random people when possible
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
Thanks to ECL (and any others there) on Dzagonur for some great GvG fights and some awesome duels. Makes me remember the good parts of warhammer online :P
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade
-Thorelson x
Unity [UNTY] – Aurora Glade