Showing Posts For MaxAmbush.7436:

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MaxAmbush.7436


Hi, there’s an issue with my engineer female charrs eyes that only came up recently and has stuck.. Is this a bug?? I recently got a better graphics card and set the graphic to max but I don’t see how this could be causing this problem.. Her pupils which were made relatively small are now placed too far up so that it appears that she either has no pupils or is constantly looking upwards under her eyelids. I love my charr.. Can anyone suggest a fix to this problem? Is it just me?

Ps. Other players can see my charr like this as well


(edited by MaxAmbush.7436)

Striking Off the Chains Lvl 64 Quest Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MaxAmbush.7436


Honestly… I’ve done this mission as a lvl 66 with a friend of mine also at lvl 66 and we have now tried and failed it 5 times!!!! The guy I’m supposed to save keeps disappearing and it’s insanely disappointing that I now cant go on with my story line just from this bug… Seeing that people have the same problem isn’t very reassuring as it only confirms that I will indeed not be moving on from this.. Please work on it as soon as possible….