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[Devs] How to make Gw2 PvP popular

in PvP

Posted by: Maxillion.2408


I played many (not all of course) MMORPG and I think GW2 pvp (and game itself) is best among all i saw. In fact its pvp is so much diverse and dynamic that the newby will be instantly shocked. GW2 pvp is really demanding and you have to waste much much time and efforts just not to die in first 10 seconds of a teamfigh. Another problem is how to find good pvp party. We need two things:
1) PVP education programm. It must be flexible and include many stages mainly as part of PVE quests, guild missions and so on. Perhaps it is possible to attract top pvp players as voluntary pvp mentors united in some guild or something like that. Current PVE practice is very far from the PVP reality. Players can fight not some monster but AI NPC classes.
2) It is nearly impossible to find good PVP team. Good teams live like sects and its absolutly natural that they dont want to share there secrets and waste there time. I think devs must use a combination of methods to encourage pvp teammembers to find each other during some quests, in PVP guilds and so on.

[EU] Team over recruiting for competitive pvp

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maxillion.2408


Hi. I am engi rank 55. Contact me if you wish.

Eu Team LF1 Celestial Engi

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maxillion.2408


Hi. I am engi. Pls contact with me in the game.