Showing Posts For Megametzler.5729:

Decay and holiday

in PvP

Posted by: Megametzler.5729



I would recommend the following:

  • Remove temporary decay entirely.
  • Cap the minimum games/season at 60 (4 weeks worth). For the first 3 weeks, it will be 15*(week number)
  • In order to show up on the leaderboard and get end-of-season placement rewards, you must satisfy the current minimum season games and also have played 15 games in the last 7 days.


That would not solve the problem, but it would soften it up a bit… though 15 games in the last week seem tough as well.

You’re all not really addressing the vacation-issue. Minimum games played does not affect that, it’s fine, but decay does.

I just do not understand why I should have to play on the very last days of the season to keep my placement on the leaderbord. I can’t react to other people playing and pass me by, okay, but getting bumped out of the leaderbord, because I played my matches earlier? Still seems totally unfair to me. After 120 matches, everybody should roughly be placed where he belongs. That’s what the PvP-season is about, isn’t it?

Decay and holiday

in PvP

Posted by: Megametzler.5729


Hey there,

I got a quick question about decay. I will be moving and maybe be on holiday at the end of the season, and that just might make me loose my place in the ladder.

So: Is decay still neccessary since everybody has to play 120 matches anyway?
120 matches in a season are alright to place you properly according to your skill. I just don’t get the point of decay anymore…

I can’t be the only one affected by this. It makes this season somehow pointless to me.