Showing Posts For Megera.8570:
I’m sorry, but can you check if it goes into recipes you have to discover at all? I’ve never used it to discover anything, because it was never in the discovery pane in the first place.
It might go in recipes bought through karma that I’ve missed or recipes you learn as you level cooking, but I have yet to use it (at 293 cooking atm and Walnuts are with a chef 100 requirement). Something seems fishy here.
(edited by Megera.8570)
Well, Gunnar’s Hold had everything but 2 keeps (one for Gandara and one for Blacktide) at around 6AM today.
Sadly, what Epoch described really seems to be the case. Haven’t had any issues with people not reviving me, but they are slow to build siege (even when a blueprint has been placed) and tend to run mindlessly to their destruction while forgetting everything around them. We had a large group commit suicide today trying to “spawn camp” Blacktide. I’ve also seen a group of 20 people attacking the southern outer gate of Dreaming Bay from inside instead of attacking the inner gates. Of course, this didn’t continue for long, because Gunnar’s Hold came out and killed them from behind.
There have been some good moments as well, there was a commander the other day on Gandara Borderlands and people were following his directions, information was relayed fast and people went where they were needed. We were even leading in score (not total, but for the moment) for the few hours I was in WvW.
I haven’t spent that much time altogether in WvW yet, but I haven’t come across any guilds from our server. I already know 2 from Blacktide and Gunnar’s Hold though, that seem to have a presence during the same relative time on the same maps. I just hope that more people don’t take Epoch’s approach and just decide to abandon ship and I hope that one day we’ll get more guilds interested in WvW and better organization.
(edited by Megera.8570)