Showing Posts For Meghan.1893:
I know people hate these types of subjective questions, but I haven’t played in like 2 years and I plan to come back for HoT. I watched a youtube video by woodenpotato, a sort of famous GW2 player, on raids and end game content. One of the issues he brought up was that in HoT certain classes are going to be needed a lot more now than others.
One example he gave was how condition damage has been buffed and engineers (a class I have never played) do the most dps. So the question he asked was why would a group bring anything other than engineers for condition damage, which makes sense.
I have always played Elementalist, and have never tried any other class. He also mentioned that since in raids, due to the number of people, you always have 25 stacks of buffs, so Eles aren’t needed as much as they were previously.
So my question isn’t necessarily about Eles, but in general, for people who have played the HoT beta, how would you rate the importance of each class in HoT in group content. Who would be your top 5? If Ele isn’t as good as it used to be, I think now would be a good time to switch. Yes, I understand it is subjective, I am asking for your point of view.
Hello everyone,
Played for like 3-weeks after release and then quit. Reason I quit was:
1) Nothing to do end game – Which is common with new games, but still not cool
2) Dungeons were a large death fest – You just died, released, ran back in and died again
3) No sense of accomplishment at end game – You were the same as any lower level
4) Battlegrounds were not fun at all – At least I didn’t enjoy them. WvWvW was some what fun, but not the battlegrounds
I logged in yesterday, just to revisit. Didn’t really do any quests or anything, but just ran around the cities. I had forgotten how stunningly beautiful this game was. And all of he voice chatter, really helped me just feel right back at home within 5-minutes. Anet did a wonderful job in that respect, best ever.
However, I don’t think I would play the game if they didn’t fix any of the concerns that lead me to leave the game in the first place. So could anyone comment on my 4 reasons for leaving please.
Are there any end game raids yet? Or is the largest dungeon a party size? What is there to do at 80 now? I heard they added in dailies and monthlies, but I really dislike grinding, so I probably wont go out of my way to do any of those. Hopefully they aren’t mandatory.
Well if someone could comment, would appreciate it. Thanks.