Showing Posts For Mehrdad.8423:
what are u guys talking about?:O
u forget my point… i trying to say.. now every class can made 100% crit chance and 100% crit damage… for ex: in cof with 1xwar/2 x guard(if they know what to do).. u get banners/mights. so boss down in sec:D
the point is Every class can do it.
Before it was impossible:D now with those stat are possible:D
it was without Runes & sigil … so with them u can make 5000 attack.. and 125% crit damage… crit chance cant got higher than 100(its maximum and waste of stat) but at 100% crit chance/ 100 % crit damage.. its 2.5:P so auto attack near 12k(also u can do +125% crit damage):P
im sure after 500 crafting.. i see them on Trading post for under 2g.. im so sure.
i talk about Ascended one
how i can make this? Spool of Silk Weaving Thread? anyone know?
so more than 100% does effect.. am i right?
but none of them make overflow btw.
i always was have this question…Anet pls can clarify this
im already have 120% crit damage..
but my question is:
More than 100% crit damage do effect on hit? or more than that will be useless?Anyone Know?
Simply because “forcing” people into certain areas of the game is never a good idea.
no… i didnt force anything.. i didnt say a single map or something like that.
why not arena net make booster event.. then people know what to do at that time
For example : each booster for 1 hour(3 time per day) and do cycle will be 24h a day.
20% exp from event
20% exp from dungeon
10% WvW exp
20% glory for pvp
20% magic find
10% critical succes at crafting.
10% more Gold from dungeon daily
10% more Karma
maybe quaggans are not cute.. but i think baby quaggans are nice to be 6th race:D
what about 3x baby quaggan
for ex: if u elemental
2 made fire in hand.. and another one shoot that fire.
Quaggens are so cute and really fun.
If Arena Net Add Them too 6th Race .. i think 90% players will be make it.
see so cute:
(edited by Mehrdad.8423)
why u send my question to Suggestion forum ???
Here Questions:
(edited by Mehrdad.8423)
ok here the problem
my friends want leave game… because they think its High END game.
1- they say .. GW2 will be Not add Any more dungeons… just upgrade the old ones,,, is there will be more dungeons???
2-they said .. there is No point of doing PVP.. u get nothing.. just get glory for make urself cute=crazy… is there any Rating pvp.. and any pvp items u can get with glory and use in PVE world/wvw??
3- they said.. just say lf3m for any dungeon.. there u go… and they dont have to do anything.. there is No teamwork….All just do DPS.. nothing else.. no tank.. no healer.. nothing..NO Job to do ….is there any change at feature????
4-they said.. i already have legendary… and i already have Ascended trinkets… so what to do now?? watching sky??? nothing interesting for lvl 80… is there anything New soon?
5- they said …always just 5 man group.. oh god they hate this… there is any +5 man groups??? something like RAIDS in WOW…. where is the HARD mode…Hard Raids…is there anything soon?
6-Name its Guild Wars 2…. so where is the Guild VS guild.. for get something like Upgrade Stones and try 5% chance for make Great armors(like Allods)???
7- whats the Feature of GW2? Change nothing? just make bug fix/ smallest updates..(they said all this updates can come in 1… u think they was cant add Ascended ring + amulet + acc at ONE update??
What u Guys do??? little Explain its enough… little HOPE..
(edited by Mehrdad.8423)
i have question
whats max lvl difficulty fractals??
and whats drop rate at lvls?
ya im agree 100%.. we need duel option at outside towns.
btw mist are useless.. frist: there is armor with NO state.. second there is no divinity/ancient kraka shell/tritange amulet.. so u fight without ur real state.
about wvw.. for duel with friend.. u think my friend must go other server for 7 day?..its crazy if he do that
also duel its just testing ur skills against other.. and try improve it in SPVP/WVW.
well i got disconnect too… also think anet dont care much.. because i was made several thread about getting disconnect in 10% hp finall boss.. and lose all token/money/items/karma/xp…. but they never answered.. and never did any fix.
also in this new dungoens.. disconnect= kick from team.. never can back.
also they idea put this new dungoen in lion arch its crazy.. because normally its highest player are inside this zone… and u always in overflow.
ya duel outside cities…or make duel map(but thats will be Crazy.. coz there will be alot ppl doing duel and u get Alot Laag(for example: this new dungoen.. maked Lion arch fully laaggy/and always send u overflow servers).. so duel everywhere outside cities and with those options. thats will be nice.
ok there we are….. new dungoen in lion arch… and u get dc= u tottally out of team… so CRAZYYYYYY
i really love duel my friends at everywhere….
if u guys add something like R-click player>duel
thats will be awesome… plz do
Who agree with me?:D send reply.
today 2 time this happend.. now total 7th time lose my token..
i like too say something about wow.. even we was get dc.. after get back.. we was in dungoen and middle of war….i think they must change this.
well i remember at WOW.. we was Report Game Master.. and he was give us Rewards. if was sure i did it.
Hope they add something like this or nethykins.7986 idea.
not really.. usually at last min… after boss dead.. they click on reward and after got token.. leave dungoens… i try it.. after boss dead..u can see chest in map.. but there is no chest for u… also there is NO token for click and got it.
totally wasting of time when this happend..
so any other suggest?:D
this happend too me 3 time.. and i waste 1h for nothing(no money/xp/token) and got nothing…
Asking Developers.. if they can made a Way too get ur rewards…??
what about adding Chest.. and if u get Discconect.. can go back in Dungoens and Take ur chest?
Guild wars 2,, its not on the list.
So anyone Know something better?:D
im getting Alot DC and laag…..i have No firewall/NO antivirus….Fps its good… my internet connection its good(can play other online games and open any website)… just have so bad routing… problem is while i ping server ip… its really High MS
So Anyone know Any Free Tunnel IP Program for route better too server??? plz Help.ty
(edited by Mehrdad.8423)