Showing Posts For Melvina Jenn.7849:

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Melvina Jenn.7849

Melvina Jenn.7849

Please, what’s the status of the ticket #570607?

From E-mail to Mobile Authentication

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Melvina Jenn.7849

Melvina Jenn.7849

This happened to a lot of people lately after patch and a little time before the patch.
Hackers might got the accounts from forums and then go into account and change it to mobile authentication.
Hacked accounts are not able to get in because the mobile thing is on and asks for the numbers.
This is probably the worst situation since the start because it happens to account with secure passwords and never visited gold selling sites
One of my friends still waits for a response from A-Net