Showing Posts For Memitim.9807:

Legendarys are over the top

in Crafting

Posted by: Memitim.9807


I agree it’s over the top, I like the idea of getting it with achivement points thats kinda cool.
To be clear though I don’t think it shouldn’t take a long time to get one but can’t you make it so you have to do something cooler and more fun more…legendary than a legendary grindfest to get one?

Why is there Magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memitim.9807


I agree it should be removed from gear at least, the loot system in general needs work and I would like more ways to make money outside of farming arah because that is not fun.


in PvP

Posted by: Memitim.9807


The only problem I really have with it now is it doesn’t seem to be affected by chill or cripple, is this intentional?

What's The Point of PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Memitim.9807


“My older sister doesn’t care for progression, that’s why she plays Farmville.”
This is interesting because farmville is a game with almost no actual gameplay at all, it is very much a progression game.
Perhaps you should try that insted since it was made clear from the start this wouldn’t be that sort of game?
Asking for gear progression is exactly like asking to build wc3 defense towers, it just isn’t that sort of game.

As to the OP’s question the point is to win, as in any pvp game.
You already have cosmetic progression, pretty sure you’ll get your ladders too.
If what you actually want is to pwn noobs in your uber gear, see above. :P