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zommoros dungeon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Memoria.1857


Instead of making the entrance price random, pieces could drop around the world like the aether key pieces. These items could be phantasmal weapons, armor, and treasure lets say. Then to gain entry you buy something from Mianni for skill points or karma, nothing extravagant mind you, and then place these dropped items in accordingly. Say bought item + three weapons would lead to the dungeon end where you fight Z straight up. 3 armor items drops would open the path were at the end is just an endurance encounter, you don’t actually fight Z. 3 treasure drops would lead to an end where you have to try and escape from Z rather than fight him. Think Indian Jones running from the giant bolder type of thing. 1 of each leads to a forth path I haven’t thought of anything specific. Then with the completion of each path you get a chance, along with your normal loot, to get a special event piece. Collect all four toss them into the forge and get a Zommoros chest. This chest could have an increased chance for rares, exotics, ectos, clovers, T6 mats, loadstones. You know stuff people are throwing into the forge and trying to get out of it. Just a thought.

zommoros dungeon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Memoria.1857


Keeping in line with the joking manner you could have myanni, the lady you buy the skill point items from, have one of the items you need to open the dungeon. She already has a connection of some kind with Z. When you talk to her she could say something like “Hero’s I need your help. Zommoros is planning to seek vengeance on our world for calling his home the mystic toilet.” This would reflect actual culture from the world community.

zommoros dungeon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Memoria.1857


Who hasn’t wanted to take their aggression out on zommoros, so why not have a dungeon where he is the end boss. You jump into the mystic forge to take back everything he’s taken from you. Once in there is treasure and gold piled up in the background. The trash mobs could be ghosts called lost hope and broken dreams. The mini bosses could be a giant glob of ectoplasm ooze, a mystic clover leprechaun, and an obsidian shard golem. At the end you face zommoros and get to punch him in the mouth. I think it would be very enjoyable.